Production Forest Protected Forests Conservation Forest


1.1.1 Forest Classification

Most of the forests in Indonesia are designated as state forests and managed by the government. As mentioned above, the Indonesian government has the right and responsibility to control its natural resources for the general good of the Indonesian people. They also have the authority to plan and regulate all forest tenure and to use arrangement in its jurisdiction. The authority to manage the forest areas has resulted in the division of forest area functions based on consensus TGHK. The consensus is made among the government institutions that have a relation to the forest areas or its management, such as the Forestry Department, Transmigration and Resettlement Department, Agriculture Department, local government, and so on. The forest classifications based on consensus are named production forests, protection forests, and conservation forests. Production Forest

These forest areas are set aside mainly for timber production, and managed by private logging concessions and state-delivered concessions. Some limited types of non- timber production are also harvested in this area. Production forest is divided into three specific functions: 1 regular production forest that can produce timber optimally; 2 limited production forest that can only harvest the timber at a certain amount due to its environmental and social considerations; and 3 production forest that is available to be converted to other land uses. This area is set aside specifically based on its environmental and location considerations in order to be converted to other land uses in the future. 18 Protected Forests

This is the forest area that is managed by the government. The area is specifically assigned to protect the unique wildlife and local habitat. This area is usually assigned for the endangered species of animals or plants and their habitat. Conservation Forest

This is the area managed by the government that is more flexible than protection forest. The conservation forest can mix the function with the local development at its boundary or in a special assigned area. The local development involves things such as tourism, broad scale research and community development. National park areas are one of the classifications. Unfortunately, Dermawan and Resosudarmo 2002 reported that much of the classification was made on an ad hoc basis. Not only without due consideration to ecological functions of the forest but also with little regard to the social, cultural, and economic functions of the community. As a result, most of the forest area classification borders often create friction between the government, private companies and indigenous people. The division of the forest areas is based on the consensus forest functions presented in table 1.1. Table 1.1 Current Forest Classifications in Indonesia FOREST FUNCTION TOTAL Million Hectares Production forest 41.2 Protection Forest 12.5 Conservation forest 17.4 Total forest area 76.7 Source: Kartodihardjo 2002. 19

1.1.2 Sustainable Forest Management