Summary and Conclusions References

56 • KebotnDukuh: Rattan, Rubber • Uratn: Construction woodtimbers, fuelwood, bamboo, rattan shoots, bamboo shoots, vegetables • Bengkar: Meranti wood, bengkirai wood, ulin wood, natural rattan, honey, medicinal plants, traditional customs plants, saps or scented wood, animalswild game • River: Fish, shrimp, hay roofing material, sago, edible ferns • Livestock: Pigs, poultry, cows, goats In addition to income generated from each land use, additional household income from employment in other business was collected. Family members, occupation of the household adult members, and educational level information was collected. Household expense data were collected based on food, clothing, medical care, education, transportation, and traditional customary event costs.

2.8 Summary and Conclusions

The goal of this research is to estimate Benuaq Dayak resources management total economic value. This chapter discusses the survey methodology used to collect primary data for the research. Benefit transfer data were employed to estimate Benuaq Dayak option and existence values and to examine the homogeneity of characteristics between villages. In subsequent chapters, Benuaq Dayak total economic values will be compared to the current total economic value generated by timber concession and plantation companies. The comparisons will indicate the relative effectiveness of the Benuaq Dayak management techniques relative to those used by the private industrial companies. 57

2.9 References

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3.1 A Brief Description of Indonesia