Data Analysis 1. Descriptive Statistic

53 Logistic regression analysis has been done to control confounding variable, so that the impact of independent variable can be seen between dependent variable with nominal scale. Presented Estimated Odd Ratio OR with Confidence Interval 95. 5. Path Analysis To look direct relationship between HOMA-IR, IGF-1, IL-6 and hsCRP to prostate hyperplasia and indirect relationship between HOMA-IR to prostate hyperplasia through IGF-1 elevation. 6. Significancy level α of this research assigned to probability value p less than 0,05. Statistical test with software SPSS for Mac 21 version and AMOS 23 version. 5. Result 5.1 Basic Characteristics of Research Subjects A total 80 samples of male included in this study. Forty samples as the case group, with prostate hyperplasia and 40 samples as a control, with mean age of 62 years old. After the normality test data by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and after the logarithm transformation, a several variables in this study has an abnormal distribution, like hs-CRP, IL-6, fasting insulin, fasting blood glucose and 2-hour PP, HOMA-IR, TG, SC, body weight, BMI, and waist circumference p 0.05. Baseline characteristics of Research Subjects Demographic Characteristics and Nutrition Status from the group case Ob-Ab with Prostate Hyperplasia and control group Ob-Ab without prostate hyperplasia. Basic characteristics data of this study are presented in Table 5.1. Table 5.1 Basic demographic characteristics of study population Demographic characteristics dan Nutrition Status about case Abdominal obesity patient with prostate hyperplasia and control Abdominal obesity patient without prostate hyperplasia. 54 Basic demographic characteristics of study population Case n=40 mean SD atau Median minimum- maximum Control n=40 mean SD atau Median minimum- maximum p-value Age year 61,55 6,33 61,68 6,35 0,994 Height cm 167,93 3,37 167,50 3,49 0,330 Weight kg 92 65-104 90 59-101 0,538 BMI kgm 2 32,76 21,22- 36 32,08 20,66-37,5 0,163 Waist circumference cm 104 90-146 102 90-126 0,375 FPG mgdl 137 81-289 98 79-253 0,001 2 Hours Post Prandial Glucose mgdl 186 93-345 115 89-447 0,053 Fasting Insulin IUml 6,45 2-79,2 4,45 1,1-24,7 0,034