GENERAL The Department of Mechanical Engineering, previously known as Mechanical Engineer - ing Study Program. The department was est ablished t oget her wit h t he launch of t he f acul t y of engineering Universit as Indonesia in November 27 1964 at Salemba, Jakarta. Nowadays there are 2 study programs within the department, which are: Mechanical Engi - neering Study Program and Marine Engineering St udy Program. The mechanical engineering study program provides the knowledge which focused into Energy Conversion, Product De - sign, Manufacturing Process and also the basic of Industrial operational and managerial. The Marine Engineering study program provide the education which focused into Ship design, Ship manufacturing process, ship mainte - nance, ship machinery installation and also t he rules and laws of marine. The graduat es of t he mechanical engineering have worked in several areas such as aut omot ive indust ry, oil and gas indust ry, heavy dut y engine, edu- cat ional inst it ut ion, research inst it ut ion and other industries. The department of mechani - cal engineering organized several programs, which are: Bachelor Degree Regular, Parallel, and International class Master Degree and Doctoral Degree. Since August 2007, the de - partment of mechanical engineering received the ISO 9001: 2000 for quality management system in Mechanical Engineering Study Pro - gram. In 2011, The Department of Mechani - cal Engineering once again received the ISO 9001: 1008 for quality management system. Certiication by international agencies is one of management ’ s commi t ment s i n qual i t y management , t o ensure and enhance academic qualit y and st akeholder sat isf act ion. The me- chanical engineering study program also re - cei ved t he hi ghest academi c accr edi t at i on point according to the National Accreditation Board in 2005. In 2008, the Department of Mechanical Engineering has also gained inter - nat ional recognit ion in t he f orm of accredit a- tion of the ASEAN University Network AUN. Thi s agai n shows t he commi t ment t he De- partment of Mechanical Engineering to de - velop international education and excel in their ields, as stated by the irm through the vision, mission and goals. Developing nations are very dependent of hu - man resource development. Resource is people who set the direction, goals, imple - ment and develop the nation’s life. With good hu - man resources are expected to achieve the life of prosperous and afluent nations. Therefore, the developments of human resources become the key of national development. Higher edu - cation in Indonesia is part of the National Education System which aims to develop the i nt el l ect ual l i f e of t he nat i on t hr ough t he development of human resources to carry out t hree main act ivit ies of t he so-called “ Trid- harma Universit ies” , namely : Hold a higher level education 1. Conduct the scientific research 2. Perform the Community service 3. In order to develop human resources for the life of the nation, the Department of Mechani - cal Engineering has set a goal of t hree main act i vi t i es i s t o be a r ef er ence t o any aca- demic activity. In education, has a goal to pro - duce graduates who are able to analyze and synthesize the characteristics of mechani - cal systems, designing and planning systems and mechanical equipment as well as manag - ing the production installation, and be able to analyze and solve any scientiic problem, work together in teams, and develop them - sel ves and t hei r know l edge, w i t h a l of t y intellectual attitude, pattern of systematic thinking, logical and integrated. In the ield of research, Department of Mechanical Engi neer i ng has a goal t o cont r i but e and play a role in the development of mechani - cal sci ence and t echnol ogy and a cont i nu- ous intake of the educational process. While the ield of dev ot ion and service t o t he commu- nity, aims to provide ideas and direct involve - ment in quality improvement and enhancement of communit y and indust ry . To answer t he demand of graduat e academic programs that have the character of leader - ship and excellence in academic and profes - sionalism in the field of Mechanical Engi - neering, both at the level of Ir, Master of Masters, or PhD, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, developed the design of compe - tency-based academic curriculum is imple - ment ed t hrough t he st udent cent ered t eaching act ivit yst udent cent ered learning. According t o t he degree, in t he curriculum design t he research activity become the major aspect in t he Doct oral Degree . P R O F IL E O F F T U I A N D D E P A R T M E N T S 11 In the 2012 curric ulum design, t he int egrat ion of t he design bet ween bachelor degree, mast er degree and doct oral degree curricul um has been pursued, so it is possible for a student wit h an excel l ent academic record t o t ake courses from a higher degree Master and Doc - t oral by using t he credit t ransf er regulat ion t hrough t he Fast Track Program . A more detailed explanation of each of the courses organized by The Mechanical Engineer - ing and Marine Engineering Study Program, the description of the main academic com - petence, and other supporters of the gradu - ates of each program of study, are given in the f ollowing sect ion. Contact Department of Mechanical Engineering Universit as Indonesia Kampus UI, Depok, 16424. Tel. +62 21 7270032 Fax +62 21 7270033 e-mail : mesineng.ui.ac.id http :mech.eng.ui.ac.id VISION AND MISSION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Vision “ Become t he cent er of t he excellent research and education service in Mechanical Engineering” Mission Conduct research and research-based educa - tion for the development of science and tech - nology in the ield of mechanical engineer - ing, and conduct s research and educat ion ef - forts and its use to improve the quality of lif e and humanit y. Head of Department : Dr. -Ing. Nasruddin, ST., M.Eng Vice Head of Department: Jos Ist iyant o, Ph. D Head of Laboratory Head of Mechanical and Biomechanic Design Laboratory : Dr. Ir. Wahyu Nirbito, MSME. Head of Mechanical Technology Laboratory Prof . Dr. Ir. Danardono A. S. Head of Thermodynamics Laboratory: Prof. Dr. Ir. Yulianto, MSc, PhD. Head of Heat Transfer Laboratory : Dr. Ir. Engkos A. Kosasih Head of Fluid Mechanics Laboratory : Dr. Ir. Warjito, M.Eng. Head of Manufacture and Otomatization Laboratory: Dr. Ario Sunar Baskoro, ST., MT., M.Eng Head of Air-conditioning Engineering Laboratory: Prof . Dr. Ir. Idrus Alhamid Head of Ship Design Laboratory: Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuar, M.Eng. MSc. Head of Science Group- Kelompok Ilmu KI Head of KI. Energy Conversion : Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Idrus Alhamid Head of KI. Design, Macufacture and Otomatization: Dr. Gandjar Kiswanto, MEng. BOARD OF PROFESSOR Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Soegiarto, M. Eng bangsugieng.ui.ac.id Ir, UI, 1985; M.Eng, Hokkaido Univ., Japan, 1991; Dr. Eng, Hokkaido Univ., Japan, 1994 Combust i on Engi ne Prof. Dr. Ir. Budiarso, M. Eng, mftbdeng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1977; M.Eng. NUS, 1996, Dr. UI Fl ui d Mechani cs, En- er gy Syst em Prof. Dr . Ir. I Made Kartika Diputra, Dipl-Ing, dhiputra_madeyahoo.com Ir. UI, Dipl.- ing Karlsruhe Universit y, Dr. Universit as Indonesia Ther modynami cs Prof. Dr. Ir. Raldi Artono, DEA koestoereng. ui. ac. id Ir. UI, 1978; DEA Univ.de Poitier, 1980; Dr, Univ. Paris XII France, 1984 Heat Tr ansf er Prof. Dr. Ir. Tresna P. Soemardi tresdieng.ui.ac.id SE. UI, 1987; Ir., ITB, 1980; MSi, UI, 1985; Dr. Ecole Centrale de Paris France, 1990 Pr oduct Desi gn, Composi t e Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuar, M. Eng. , MSc yanuareng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1986; M.Eng. Hiroshima Univ. Jepang, 1992; MSc, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. 1996; Dr.Eng., Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. Japan, 1998 Fl ui d Mechani cs, Shi p Dr ag and Pr opul si on Prof. Dr. Ir. Yulianto S. Nugroho, M. Sc yuliantoeng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1992; MSc, Leeds Univ., UK, 1995; Ph.D., Leeds Univ., UK, 2000 Fi r e Saf et y Engi neer i ng Prof. Dr. -Ing Nandy S. Putra nandyputraeng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1994, Dr-Ing., Germany, 2002 Heat Tr ansf er, Ener gy Conver si on P R O F IL E O F F T U I A N D D E P A R T M E N T S 12 Prof. Dr. Ir. Harinaldi, M. Eng, harinaldeng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1992; M.Eng, Keio Univ. Japan, 1997; Dr.Eng, Keio Univ. Japan, 2001 Thermoluids,Reacted Sys - t em Fluid Dynamics, St at ist ics Prof. Dr. Ir. R. Danardono Agus S. , DEA danardoneng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1984; DEA, Ecole Centrale de Lyon 1989; Dr. Univ. d’Orleans France, 1993 Engi neer- i ng Dr awi ng, Aut omot i ve Engi neer i ng Prof. Dr. Ir. M. ldrus Alhamid mamakeng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1978; Dr., K.U. Leuven Belgium, 1988 Dr yi ng Engi neer i ng, Ener gy Conver si on INTERNATIONAL ADJUNCT PROFESSOR Prof. Dr. Tae Jo Ko FULL-TIME FACULTY Adi Suryosatyo adisureng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1996; M.Sc., UTM-Malaysia 1999; Dr., UTM-Malaysia, 2002 Gasiication, Power Generation Agung Shamsuddin a.shamsuddingmail.com ST. UI, 2004; MSEng. Yeungnam Univ., 2007, Cand Doc - tor - Yeungnam Univ. Mi cr of abr i cat i on, Manuf act ur i ng Agung Subagio agsubeng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1977; Dipl.Ing. Karlsruhe- Germany,1982 Power Gener a- t i on Agus Sunj arianto Pamitran pamitraneng.ui.ac.id ST. UI, 1999; M.Eng. Chonnam University, 2004; Dr. Chonnam University, 2009 Ahmad Indra Siswantara a_indraeng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1991; Dr, UTM - Malaysia, 1997 Comput at i onal Fl ui d Dynami cs CFD , Fl ui d Mechani cs Ardiansyah ardiyansyaheng.ui.ac.id ST. UI, 2002; MEng. Chonaam Univ. 2007, Cand of Dokt or, USA Heat Tr ansf er, Ther mody- nami cs Ario Sunar Baskoro arioeng.ui.ac.id ST. UI, 1998; MT. UI 2004, MEng – Keio University 2006, Dr., Keio Univ 2009 Robot i cs, Mechat r oni cs, Wel di ng Bambang P. Prianto priantoeng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1985; MIKomp., Ul-Maryland Univ., 1989; Cand Dr. UI Manuf act ur i ng Per f or mance As- sessment , Manuf act ur i ng Syst em Budihardj o bhopaciic.net.id Ir. UI, 1977; Dipl. Ing. Karlsruhe, 1981; Dr., UI, 1998 Ref r i ger at i on Engi neer i ng, Ai r Dr yer, Ther mo Dynami cs Engkos Achmad Kosasih kosrieng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1991; MT. ITB, 1996; Dr. UI, 2006 Heat Tr ansf er , Numer i cal Met hod, Cont r ol Engi neer i ng Gandj ar Kiswanto gandjar_kiswantoeng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1995; M.Eng, KU Leuven Belgium, 1998; Dr., KU Leuven Belgium, 2003 It el l i gent Manuf act ur i ng Syst em , Aut omat i on, Robot i cs , Advanced CADCAM, Mul t i - axi s Machi ni ng Gatot Prayogo gatoteng.ui.ac.id Ir. FTUI, 1984; M.Eng Toyohashi Univ. Of Technology- Japan, 1992, Dr.UI, 2011 Fr act ur e Mechani cs , St r engt h of Mat er i al s Gunawan gunawan_kapaleng.ui.ac.id ST.UI, 2010; MT.UI, 2012, Shi p MACHINERY, Resi st ance and Pr opul si on Syst em Hadi Tresno Wibowo hadi.tresnoyahoo.com Ir, UI, 1982; MT, UI, 2010 Shi p St r uct ur e, Machi ni ng Pr ocess Hendri Dwi Saptioratri B hendrieng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1985; M.Eng, Keio Univ. Japan, 1992, Doctor- UI, 2014 Mechani cal Desi gn, Desi gn f or Manuf act ur e and Assembl y Henky Suskito Nugroho gagaheng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1987; MT. UI, Doctor - UI, 2014 Manuf act ur i ng Syst em , Manuf act ur i ng Per f or mance Assessment Imansyah Ibnu Hakim imansyaheng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1994; M.Eng. Kyushu Univ., 2000, Doctor - UI, 2012 Heat Tr ansf er , Ener gy Conver si on Jos Istiyanto josisteng.ui.ac.id ST. UI, 1998; MT. UI, 2004; Doktor Yeungnam Univ, 2012 CADCAM, STEP- NC, Mi cr of abr i cat i on Mohammad Adhitya madhityaeng.ui.ac.id ST. UI, 2000; MSc FH Offenburg, 2004, Cand. Doct or - Braunschweig Dynami c, Ot omot i ve Syst em Marcus Alberth Talahatu marcuseng.ui.ac.id Ir. Unhas, 1982, MT. UI, 2003, Doctor - UI, 2013 Shi p- bui di ng Desi gn, Engi neer i ng Dr awi ng P R O F IL E O F F T U I A N D D E P A R T M E N T S 13 Muhamad Baqi baqieng.ui.ac.id ST.UI, 2010; MT.UI, 2012 Shi p desi gn, vi sual i zat i on and model l i ng. Nasruddin nasruddineng.ui.ac.id ST, UI, 1995; M.Eng, KU Leuven Belgium, 1998, Dr.-ing, RWTH-Aachen Ref r i ger at i on Engi neer i ng, Ener gy Conver si on, Ener gy Syst em Opt i mi zat i on Ridho Irwansyah ridhoeng.ui.ac.id ST.UI, 2010; MT.UI, 2012; Cand Dr., Heat and Mass Engi - neering. Rusdy Malin rusdieng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1980; MME, UTM Malaysia,1995, Cand. Doct or - UI Bui l di ng Mechani cal Syst em, Vent i l at i on Syst em Sugeng Supriyadi sugengeng.ui.ac.id ST. UI, 2004; MSEng, Yeungnam Univ. 2007, Dr - Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. Mi cr of abr i cat i on, Fabr i cat i on Pr ocess Cont r ol , Engi neer- i ng Mat er i al s Sunaryo naryoeng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1981; Dr., Strathclyde Univ. Scotland, 1992 Shi p- bui l di ng Desi gn, Shi pyar d Desi gn and Layout Tris Budiono M tribumaeng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1980; MSi , UI, 1996 Engi neer i ng Dr awi ng, Engi - neer i ng Mat er i al s Wahyu Nirbito bitoeng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1982; MSME, Univ. of Minessota USA, 1987, Dr .UI, 2011 Vi br at i on Engi neer i ng, Gas Tur bi n Warj ito warjitoeng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1988, MEng, Hokkaido Univ., 1999; Dr. Eng, Hokkaido Univ., 2002 Fl ui d Mechani cs, Pi pi ng Syst em, Mai nt enance Engi neer- i ng Yudan Whulanza yudaneng.ui.ac.id ST. 2000; MSc. FH-Aachen, 2005; Dr. Univ. Pisa, 2012 Mi cr of abr i cat i on PART-TIME FACULTY Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Suryawan suryawaneng.ui.ac.id Ir. UI, 1972; MT. UI, 1994; Dr., UI, 2004 Thermoluid