The Background of the Study

and one or some of the students helping those who need or ask to help. 5 This means that cooperative learning is the approach that offers the ways to organize group work in order to enhance the learning and academic achievement. It is organized group work, so that every student interacts with each other and all learners are motivated to increase each others learning. Cooperative learning also creates opportunity for students to help their group members to solve their learning problems. In cooperative learning students can work their assignments together. There are different types of cooperative learning. Student Teams- Achievement Divisions STAD and Teams-Games-Tournament TGT are two of the oldest and most extensively researched forms of cooperative learning. Both of these techniques are the common applicable forms of cooperative learning. 6 Student Teams-Achievement Divisions STAD and Teams-Games-Tournament TGT are quite similar; the only difference between them is that Student Teams-Achievement Divisions STAD uses individual quizzes at the end of each lesson to get the students score whereas Teams-Games-Tournament TGT uses academic games. Student Teams- Achievement Divisions STAD is taken as the technique to be implemented. In this study, it is a type of cooperative learning that established the students from four or five member learning teams which are mixed in side of performance level, gender, ethnic or racial, and high or low achievers. In order to make sure all team members have mastered the lesson, the teacher presents a lesson and the students work within their teams. The teacher can check the students’ comprehension by asking randomly one student from each group to share their comprehension in the whole class or with their group members. The students could help each other with their team in discussing the material to get their own comprehension. Then the students get their individual quizzes 5 Kevin Barry Len King, Beginning Teaching and Beyond, Third Edition, Sydney: Thomson, 2006, p.230. 6 Robert E. Slavin, Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research, and Practice, Boston: Allyn Bacon, 1995, p.71. based on the material and they prohibit helping or cheating one another. 7 From the above explanation, the writer concludes that by using this technique the students are the center of the teaching and learning processes. The students will get a stimulus and motivate them to learn, and then the students will be active. They will be in the team consists of various students. Every team could consist of 4-5 students. They studies and discusses together about the teacher assignments to get better achievement in the form of individual improvement score and their teams score after taking the individual quiz or individual test. Every member in team needs to be responsible for his or her team progress. In Student Teams-Achievement Divisions STAD, there are some important components. It consists of five major components; class presentation, teamwork, quizzes, individual improvement scores, and team recognition. 8 Those all the major components play their own role in order to make the teaching and learning process successful. Based on the background of the study above, the writer conducts a study under the title: “The Effectiveness of Using Student Teams-Achievement Divisions STAD Techniques in Teaching Reading. A Pre-Experimental Study at the Eight Grade of the first Semester in SMPN 1 Pakuhaji.

B. The Problem Identification of the Study

Based on the background above, there are some problems which could be raised such as follows: 1. The students cannot draw a conclusion from the paragraph or reading passage although they have the ability to recognize the word from the dictionary 2. The students are uninterested in reading an English text 3. The teaching learning process tends to be a teacher-centered and monotonous 7 Richard I. Arends, Learning to Teach, Seventh Edition, Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2007 p.352. 8 Robert E. Slavin, op.cit., pp.71-73. 4. The students are unable to comprehend the reading materials in the text 5. The students are still difficult to achieve the minimum mastery criterion- KKM 6. The classes in SMPN 1 Pakuhaji consist of more than 45 students

C. The Problem Formulation and Limitation of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the writer limits the study on the teaching of English that concerns with reading of recount text. In other words, the study aims at addressing the problems of teaching technique, which has a very important role in students’ learning. To make the study easy to understand, the writer formulates the problem as follow: “Is the use of Student Teams-Achievement Divisions STAD technique effective in teaching reading at the Eight Grade of the First Semester in SMPN 1 Pakuhaji?”

D. The Objective of the Study

In line with the problem of the study above, this study is intended to find empirical evidence whether or not the use of Student Teams-Achievement Divisions STAD Technique is effective in teaching reading of recount text. It is also to find whether there is a significant difference of the achievement in learning reading between the students who are taught by using Student Teams- Achievement Divisions STAD Techniques and the conventional method that currently is used by the teacher.

E. The Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is conveyed to several parties: First, for the English teacher, the finding of this study can give the alternative way or technique in English teaching to develop the reading ability of the students and enhance their motivation. Second, for the institution of SMPN 1 Pakuhaji, it can be beneficial regarding to improve the education quality. Third, for the further study, it will provide them basic information about teaching reading by using Student Teams-Achievement DivisionsSTAD technique. 7


This chapter covers some theories related to the study. The discussion focuses on the cooperative learning, reading, teaching reading through STAD, and previous study. In cooperative learning, it concerns on the understanding of cooperative learning, the principle, the techniques, the understanding of STAD, and the techniques of using STAD techniques. In reading, it consists of the understanding of reading, the purpose, the kinds, the principle, and the types of reading text and recount text.

A. Cooperative Learning 1. The Understanding of Cooperative Learning

Working together means cooperation. It also means taking the talents of individuals and pooling talents together to get the job done. Cooperative learning can be defined as a small group discussion, which the students could collaborate with their classmates and others in order to study and learning together. 1 It makes the students collaborate and help each other fulfill the objective of teaching in the classroom. Cooperative learning is a method in teaching in which the students interact, study, and learn together in groups to increase their academic achievement. 2 In the classroom, students are expected to help their friends in mastering the current knowledge by arguing and discussing with each other. All of members have to take apart in every discussion, so they can learn effectively in their group. As stated by Olsen and Kagan in “Approach and Method in Language Teaching” by Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rogers, cooperative learning could also be seen as an organized of group learning activity that learning is 1 Roby M. Gillies, A. F. Ashman, and T. Terwel eds, The Teacher’s Role in Implementing Cooperative Learning in the Classroom, New York: Springer Science, 2008, p.26. 2 Carolyn Kessler eds, Cooperative Language Learning, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1992, p.1. depend on the social structured exchange of information between learners in groups and which each learner is accountable for his or her own learning and others. 3 It can be inferred that cooperative learning is a group-centered and students-centered approach in classroom of teaching and learning. By learning in-group, students can increase their motivation in achieving their goal in learning. It also can encourage them to be more responsible to their teammates, because team score depends on each member’s score. Therefore, each member has to assure that his or her friends understand the lesson which teacher presents. In addition, cooperative learning gives some positive effects for the student, such as: increasing the students’ confidence and enjoyment, making the students to be greater and more rapid achievement, more respect for the teacher, the school, and the subject, using of higher-level cognitive strategies, decreasing prejudice, and increasing enthusiasm in learning. 4 Therefore, the advantages of using cooperative learning strategies as stated above are stronger languages learning motivation, more language practice opportunities, and more feedback about language errors. Based on all statements above, the writer summarizes that cooperative learning is a learning model that provides opportunity for the students to interact and communicate with each other. Cooperative learning is different from traditional group activity. Cooperative learning is not just putting students into group but they also should learn social skill. The cooperative learning makes the students to be active in the group, and achieve the main goal of every member in the group.

2. The Principle of Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning principles are tools, which teacher uses to encourage mutual helpfulness in the groups and the active participation of all 3 Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, Second Edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, p. 192. 4 Rebecca L. Oxford, Language Learning Strategies, Boston: Heinle Heinle Publishers, p. 146.

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