Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Dalam Negeri dan Luar Negeri Change Agent Development Program

IPC • Ringkasan Laporan Tahunan 2014 Summary Annual Report 39 Financial Highlights Operational Areas Port Branches Subsidiaries Goals Report from the Board of Commissioners Report from the Board of Directors Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance - Sebagai kelanjutan program, Perseroan menyelenggarakan Leadership Development Program Batch 2, yang telah dilaksanakan yaitu workshop unleashing personal purpose workshop, workshop build a coaching workshop, action learning project. Pihak Accenture sebagai Subject Matter Expert dan Project Sponsor dari IPC. Untuk periode kedua ini diikuti oleh 27 peserta. - Perseroan menyadari pentingnya menyiapkan generasi muda. Young Workforce Management telah menghasilkan 16 inisiatif pengembangan yang mewakili values yang dikembangkan di Perseroan, di antaranya: leadership support, work environment, meaningful work, fun at work, rewards, opportunities yang menjadi aspirasi dari young workforce.

4. Change Agent Development Program

Pogram ini terlaksana bekerja sama dengan Rumah Perubahan dan bertujuan untuk mendorong para change agent di lingkungan Perseroan menjadi role model dan prime mover di Perseroan. Selama tahun 2014, Perusahaan telah melaksanakan program ini sebanyak 7 kali dimana masing-masing batch dikirimkan 40 orang change agent. Program ini dilaksanakan di Rumah Perubahan, Bekasi. Adapun materi yang diberikan meliputi: a. Knowing your self Peserta mampu mengenali dan menggali potensi diri; b. Limiting Belief Peserta mengetahui momentum penting dalam hidupnya, serta hal-hal yang dapat membatasi dan hal-hal yang berpotensi untuk dapat meningkatkan kualitas diri; c. Building commitment Peserta memperoleh insight mengenai dirinya sendiri sehingga melalui pemahaman tersebut peserta dapat diarahkan untuk dapat mengoptimalisasi potensi dan fokus pada kekuatan yang dimiliki; d. Be a driver Peserta memahami bahwa proses transformasi budaya di Perseroan ditentukan oleh sejauh mana Change Agent mengoptimalkan peran mereka sebagai penggerak perubahan.

5. Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Dalam Negeri dan Luar Negeri

Pada tahun 2014, sekitar 50 orang telah menyelesaikan program pasca sarjana dari luar negeri dan menempati berbagai posisi strategis manajemen di kantor pusat, cabang dan anak perusahaan. Seperti pada bidang hukum, corporate secretary, pengadaan, keuangan, operasional, komersial dan pengembangan usaha. - As a follow up program, the Company organized Leadership Development Program Batch 2. Activities that have been conducted were: Unleashing personal purposes workshop, build a coaching workshop, action learning project. Accenture was subject matter experts and sponsor project from IPC. The second period program took up 27 participants. - The Company realizes the importance to prepare young generations. Young Workforce Management has resulted 16 development initiatives representing values developed in the Company such as leadership support, work environment, meaningful work, fun at work, reward and opportunities, all inspired from young workforce.

4. Change Agent Development Program

This program was conducted by cooperating with Rumah Perubahan and aimed to encourage the change agent within the Company to enact as role model and prime mover in Company. During 2014, Company has implemented this program for 7 times, where each batch sent 40 people of change agent. This program was implemented in Rumah Perubahan, Bekasi. The provided materials includes: a. Knowing yourself The participants are able to acknowledge and explore the individual potential; b. Limiting Belief Participant recognizes the remarkable momentum in their life, including the things that have limited and the things that have potential to improve personal quality; c. Building commitment Participants get insight about themselves thus by the understanding, the participants can be directed to optimize the potential and focus on the strengths; d. Be a driver Participants understand that the cultural tranformation process in the Company is determined with the benchmark of how far Change Agent can optimize their role as a driver of changes.

5. Training and Education Program in Domestic and Abroad