Pembagian kelas utama Sistem Klasifikasi NTIS

28 77 Nuclear sciences and technology 79 Ordinance 81 Propulsions and propellants 82 Photography and recording devices 84 Space technology 85 Transportation 88 Library and information sciences 89 Building industry technology 90 Government invention for licensing 91 Urban and regional technology and development 92 Behavior and society 93 NASA landsat program 94 Industrial and mechanical engineering 95 Biomedical technology and human factor engineering 96 Business and economics 97 Energy 98 Agriculture and food 99 Chemistry 21

2. Pembagian kelas utama

Didalam klasifikasi NTIS pembagian sub-sub kelas dari kelas utama berbeda dari sistem klasifikasi DDC, dalam sistem klasifikasi NTIS sub-sub kelas ditambahkan dengan notasi huruf kapital dari bagan kelas utama. Berikut ini contoh pembagian sub-sub kelas dari nomor kelas utama 98 yaitu Agriculture Food: 21 Ernalia Subagio, Skema Klasifikasi National Technical Information Services: NTIS Subject Catergory Descriptions Jakarta: Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, 2002 , h.1. 29 Agricultural Chemistry 98A The application of chemistry and chemical analysis to agriculture; fertilizer production; soil chemistry; chemistry of feeding stuffs; crop chemistry; biochemical studies. For food chemistry, use 98H. Agricultural Economics 98B Economics conditions,markets subsidies, and policies affecting agriculture; farm management and finance; land and labor economics; prices and price control. See also 96C. Agricultural Equipment, Facilities, Operations 98C Agricultural engineering; agricultural machinery and tools; seed preservation; planting, fertilizing,mulching,weeding, and harvesting; pest and disease control tecniques and equipment; crop protection; crop drying and storage; farm construction and operation. For pest control, see also 57P. For food processing, use 98H. Agronomy, Horticulture, Plant Pathology 98D Field Crop production; cultivation of orchads, gardens and nurseries; plant biology; plant breeding, propagation, and hybridizing; hydroponics. See also 57C. Animal Husbandry Veterinary Medicine 98E Production and care of domestic and wild animals; breeding, feeding, management, rearing, testing, and training; pets; animal pathology; toxic effect on domestic animals; animal quarantine; disease resistance, control and treatment; breeding, care, utilization of laboratory animals. See also 57Z. 30 Fisheries Aquaculture 98F Fishing, fishing equipment, and shipboard processing of fisheries products; cultivation of fishes, shellfish, and algae in fresh or salt water for commercial or recreational use; use of fish ladders and weirs; sport fishing. See also 47D, 48B, and 57Z. For fish processing, use 98H. Agriculture Resource surveys 98G Surveys to scan crop yield, soil moisture content, crop disease, and forest diseases. Includes fishery surveys; satellite and aerial surveys. Food technology 98H Pasteurizing, Curing, canning, dehydrating, freezing, irradiation, freeze dryin, ect., of foods and other agricultural products; sanitation and fumigation of product; food additives and preservatives; analysis and inspection of products; storage, packaging, and display of products; kitchen and cooking equipment. For biochemical studies of food, see also 57B. 22

3. Cara penggunaan NTIS