• Message Format

• Message Format

The communicator also needs a strong./bmmt for the message. In a print ad, the communicator has to decide on the headline, copy, illustration and colour. To attract attention, advertisers can use: novelty and contrast; eye­catching pictures

and headlines; distinctive formats; message size and position; and eolour. shape and movement. If the message is to be carried over the radio, the communicator

has to choose words, sounds and voices. The 'sound' of an announcer promoting a used car should be different from one promoting quality furniture.

If the message is to he transmitted on television or conveyed in person, then all these elements plus body language have to he planned. Presenters plan their facial expressions, gestures, dress, posture and even hairstyle. If the message is carried on the product or its package, the communicator has to watch texture, scent, colour, size and shape. For example, colour plays an important communication role in food preferences.

Steps m Developing Effective Communication • 765

When consumers sampled four cups of coffee that had been placed next to brown, blue, red and yellow containers (all the coffee was identical, but the consumers did not know this), 75 per cent felt that the coffee next to the brown container tasted too strong; nearly 85 per cent judged the coffee next to the red container to be the richest; nearly everyone felt that the coffee next to the blue container was mild; and the coffee next to the yellow container was seen as weak.

Thus, if a coffee company wants to communicate that its coffee is rich, it should probably use a red container along with label copy boasting the coffee's rich taste.

Even when an individual is exposed to a message, he or she may pay no atten­ tion to the message because it is either boring or irrelevant. The communicator increases the chances of the message attracting the attention of the target audi­

ence by taking into consideration the following factors: • The message must have a practical value to the target audience because

individuals are in the market for the product (for example, advertising pension schemes to undergraduates is a waste of time as they are likely to find such policies irrelevant to them for the time being).

• The message must interest the target group. • The message must communicate new information about the product or

brand. Consumers pay more attention to new messages. • The message must reinforce or help to justify the buyer's recent purchase

decisions ­ if you have recently bought a personal computer, it is likely that you will notice or your attention will be quickly drawn to ads for the PC (the phenomenon is called cognitive dissonance reduction).

t The presentation of the message must be­; impactful. As explained above, this objective can be achieved by paying attention to message formats and stressing creativity in the way the copy, art work/il lust rations and physical layout or presentation are delivered.

While advertisers' basic aim is to get their ads noticed, they must be sensitive to, and comply with, codes of practice operated by the industry watchdogs or country regulators. Messages should be designed to create maximum impact but, at the same time, not cause public offence and irritation (see Marketing Highlight

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