Rice ­ different kinds of rice —» rice plus sauce, rice plus vegetables,

rice meals, rice pudding

Rice ­ cereals, flour, grain —*

wholesome nutrition

Garnishing —>

different garnishes, noodles

American —»

fast food, prepared food

Helpful, prepared —» ready­to­serve meals, mixed spices Quality, cooking ­»

ready­to­serve meals, frozen food

The 350 g jars fitted the needs of two­person households, which were the main target market. These would be typically women between the ages of 20 and 40 years who were interested in food and variety. Being well educated, the target segment would be open­minded towards new and foreign ideas. The target group also had the necessary high income to match the pricey sauce. A selling price of nearly Sch30 was needed to cover high production costs and import duties.

Feinschmeeker Sauces had varieties to suit the tastes of different market segments. For example, adults, who wanted exotic and spicy dishes, were expected to buy flavours such as 'Karibiseh', while children would prefer the mild 'Chinesisch', a taste that they already know from restaurant food. The latter variety was viewed as a 'gateway sauce' for consumers who are unused to more exotic dishes. Concept tests showed that people were attracted to the more exotic sauces: 55 per eent of the informants said that

they were interested in 'Karibiseh', 45 per cent in 'Mexikanisch', 45 per eent in 'Indisch', but only 5 per cent in 'Italienisch'. The range of Feinschmeeker

Sauces would satisfy a variety of consumers' needs, thus increasing the buying frequency. The main reasons for purchasing Uncle Ben's Sauces would be quality, comfort, confidence in the product and the attraction of a

foreign flavour that would be hard to find elsewhere. Meals would be easy to prepare with the sauces, so that even non­expert cooks could produce exotic food at home. The sauces also gave people the chance to try foreign meals without buying numerous unfamiliar ingredients.

Some opposition was expected from some consumers to using the sauees. Certain people disapproved of ready­to­eat meals or disliked exotic flavours, for instance, while the high price would deter others. The danger of

spoiling the meat when adding the sauce would be seen by some as a further obstacle.

In September 1992 MFA launched six varieties of Uncle Ben's Feinschmeeker Sauce in Austria and two more varieties were later added (see Exhibit 11.2), Uncle Ben's sauces were launched in other European countries too, but because of the divergent tastes across Europe, the var­ ieties, recipes and brand name varied from country to country. The

500 • Chapter 11 Building Customer Relationships: Customer Satisfaction, Quality, Value and Service

advertising concentrated on creating awareness and interest, a task simpli­ fied by the strength of Uncle Ben's brand reputation. It emphasized the link

between Uncle Ben's Fcinschmeeker Sauce and Uncle Ben's Rice, and aimed to transfer the quality image from the rice to the sauce, while at the same time strengthening Uncle Ben's position in the saturated rice market. Point­ of­sales promotions gave consumers a chance to try the product.

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