Teaching and Learning Activities and Instructional Resources Let’s Sing This section is aimed to introduce the topic. It is also intended to

63 Table 6 continued No Topics Achievement Indicators 8. At home The students are able to: 1. Sing a song about things at home. 2. Mention the names of things at home correctly. 3. Pronounce the names of things at home correctly. 4. Find the names of things at home. 5. Practice the dialogue of asking and answering about things at home. 6. Find the information about things at home in a right place.

5. Teaching and Learning Activities and Instructional Resources

In order to accomplish the objectives, the writer formulated teaching and learning activities. From the first questionnaire and the information from the English teacher, the writer knew the teaching and learning process demanded by the students, so that the writer could make appropriate teaching and learning activities. The students were given the activities that encouraged them to be active and creative. Therefore, the writer applies various activities incorporating Multiple Intelligences to develop the students’ talent and interest. The teaching learning activities were adjusted to the topics and basic competency in each unit. The general presentation of every part of the units in detail is as follows.

1. Let’s Sing This section is aimed to introduce the topic. It is also intended to

increase the students’ interest in learning the next section of this topic. 2. Look, Listen, and Repeat In this section, the students are introduced to the new vocabulary. It also served as a means to help the students in learning the next section of this topic. 64 3. Let’s Find Words This section is intended to remind the students about the previous vocabulary that they have learnt. It is needed in order that the students would not find any difficulty in doing the main activity. 4. Let’s Practice This section provides the exercises in learning English. The exercises asked the students to practice the grammar, the useful expressions, and the vocabularies in a communicative way. 5. Let’s Have Fun This section is intended to develop the student’ creativity in expressing themselves based on the situation. They also learnt by using the language function that they have learnt before. This section provides numerous fun activities which give reinforcement after “Let’s Practice” section. The writer also selected media to support the activities such as the songs, puzzle, crosswords, pictures and games which required physical activities and were done in groups. The media are needed to support the learning teaching activities. The writer uses pictures, cards, real objects, drawing equipments, blackboard, chalk and origami paper. The detailed teaching and learning activities can be seen in Appendix F.

6. Designing the Materials

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