Research Design Source of Data

statement. The scientific statement must be true. It will belong to be true if it is based on the reality. To obtain a scientific statement which is based on the reality need to use a certain of ways or steps that called method of research. Fathoni 2006: 98 explained, method of research or method of the study is procedure that used in doing a research. This study use method which matched to the identified problem and purpose of the study. The scope of method involves the type of research design, source of data, data collection procedures, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

This study is qualitative research. According to Hamidi 2010:3, qualitative research is an observation action to individual or group activity and their social situation. It can be an interview activity to a few of people in order to reveal idea or intention behind their statement or activity. Also, it can be in reading information activity from documentation of organization, institution, or personal documentation. He continues, the process of drawing conclusion in qualitative approach starts from detail data as a result of intensive or in-depth interview of stories that derived from respondent or informan, or from observation. Based on the deep stories or observation, the researcher strive for hidden meaning behind the speech of subject research. The subject research can be respondent, informan, or social background. In qualitative research, teories is useful to help the researcher to explain logically how and why the social phenomenon can be occured. The purpose of this study is to know how the translation of cultural untranslatable words and phrases Indonesian translation of Harper Lee’s novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Femmy Syahrani through finding out the translation techniques that are used. The result of Universitas Sumatera Utara the study will be in descriptive or detail explanation. Thus, this study will use qualitative approach.

3.2 Source of Data

Data are the research object along with the context. It can be facts, events, or information collected by researchers while doing a research project. Sudaryanto 1988: 10. The data of this study are cultural untranslatable words and phrases found in the Indonesian translation of Harper Lee’s novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Femmy Syahrani. The data sources are primary data sources for the data are directly derived from the original English novel and the Indonesian translation of the novel. As Warsito 1992:69 states that the primary datas are gained if the researcher collects the information from the sources, while secondary data are gained if the researcher uses the information.

3.3 Data Collection Procedures