Annual Report 2011 | PT Perkebunan Nusantara X Persero 87


Lahir di Malang 11 Februari 1947 memulai karir bekerja di Bagian Pembukuan PT Biro Pharmantara Surabaya 1966-1971, sebelum akhirnya mulai berkarya di PTP XXI-XXII Persero di awali di unit Pabrik Gula Gempolkrep sebagai karyawan kantor bagian AKU. Selama mendharmabhaktikkan di PTPN X Persero lebih banyak bekerja di Bagian AKU di beberapa unit pabrik gula. Antara lain di Modjopanggong dan Ngadirejo, sebelum akhirnya dipercaya sebagai Kepala Bagian AKU di PG-PG Krembong dan Ngadirejo. Pada akhir masa tugasnya bertugas di kantor Direksi PTPN X berturut-turut di Biro SPI Bidang SDM, Biro Sekretariat Perusahaan dan akhirnya menduduki jabatan sebagai Kepala Bidang Pengembangan Usaha. Selama bertugas di PTPN X telah mengikuti berbagai pelatihan dan peningkatan kompetensi yang diselenggarakan oleh perusahaan maupun lembaga lain di luar perusahaan maupun lembaga lain di luar perusahaan. Dengan masa kerja lebih dari 30 tahun. Bapak dengan putra 13 orang ini mempunyai hobi olahraga, berkebun dan membaca ini mengakhiri tugasnya di PTPN X pada tanggal 1 Maret 2003. Untuk menikmati masa purna tugasnya. Sejak Maret 2010 mendapat kepercayaan untuk ditugaskan sebagai Anggota Komite Audit PTPN X.


Born in Malang February 11, 1947 began his career working in the Accounting Section PT Biro Pharmantara Surabaya 1966-1971, before finally starting to work in PTP XXI-XXII Corporation at the start at the Sugar Factory unit Gempolkrep as the AKU office employees. During devote in PTPN X Persero, he mostly worked in AKU divisions and few in a sugar factory unit. Such as in Modjopanggong and Ngadirejo, before pointed to be the Head of the SF-SF Krembong Ngadirejo. At the end of duty term, He had a position duty in a row in the SPI Bureau, field of Human Resources, Bureau of the Secretariat of the Company and eventually served as Head of Business Development. During the charge on PTPN X has attended various training and competence held by companies or other institutions outside companies and other organizations outside the company. With a service life of more than 30 years. Father with the son of 13 people has a hobby sport, gardening and reading this put an end tohis job at the PTPN X on March 1, 2003. To enjoy the full duty. Since March 2010 gained the confidence to be assigned as Member of Audit Committee PTPN X. Annual Report 2011 | PT Perkebunan Nusantara X Persero 88 TUGAS POKOK, WEWENANG DAN TANGGUNG JAWAB