Metafunction Theoretical Framework 1. An Overview of Systemic Functional Linguistics

8 meanings that are at work or in operation, and 3 the semiotic functions or meanings that operate in various semiotic levels and dimensions. The “L” for “linguistics” implies that 1 the theory derives from and belongs to a ‘discipline’ called “linguistics”, as SFL would define what linguistics is all about, and 2 it is a language-based theory whose approach to investigating the phenomena is socio- semiotic, thematic, and trans-disciplinary in nature. And the “T” for the “theory” in SFLT’s sense always means “theory and applications”, for the value of a theory lies on its applications. Systemic Functional Linguistics focus on the purposes and uses of language. They derive from examination of spoken and written language and the contexts of their used. They investigated how language is used, and its effect. Their aims include: 1. Revealing many of the choices language users have in interaction. 2. Show how meaning is made.

2.1.2. Metafunction

Halliday developed a theory of the fundamental functions of language, in which he analysed lexicogrammar into three broad metafunctions: ideational, interpersonal and textual. Each of the three metafunctions is about a different aspect of the world, and is concerned with a different mode of meaning of clauses. First is ideational function. According to Halliday in Christie 2002:12, the ideational function refers to the aspects of the grammar which are most directly involved in representation of the world and its experiences, both those of the ‘outer world’ of action, and those of the ‘inner world’ of consciousness, reflection and 9 imagination. The ideational function actually consists of two metafunctions: the experiential and the logical. The logical function is of a rather different order, for it is involved, not directly in the building of the meanings within the clause, but rather in the matter of building connectedness between the meanings of clauses. The resources of transitivity and of lexis are involved in representing experience, and these are indeed the resources most directly involved in realizing the experiential function. The experiential or representational function of language clause is realised by the transitivity system of language clause. Second is Interpersonal function. According to Matthiessen Halliday 1997, the interpersonal function is concerned with the interaction between speaker and addressee. It is about how people communicate their experience. It is about clause as exchange. The interpersonal function in its function as an exchange, in which clauses of the interpersonal function that function as clause of exchange representing the speech role relationship, is realised by the mood system. Third is Textual function. Textual function refers to the aspects of the grammar that assist in organizing language as a message. It is about clause as a message. According to Matthiessen Halliday 1997, the textual function is concerned with the creation of text, with the presentation of ideational and interpersonal meanings as information that can be shared by speaker and listener in text unfolding in context. The textual function in its function as a message is realised by theme system of the clause. The theme system of the clause is represented by the thematic structure of the clause, which consists of two major elements: 1 theme, and 2 rheme. 10

2.2. Transitivity Processes