Wilks Lambda 1 ,196 1 2 30 61,448 2 30,000 ,000 2 ,092 2 2 30 33,177 4 58,000 ,000 Step 1 2 Number of Variables Lambda df1 df2 df3 Statistic df1 df2 Sig. Exact F Pairwise Group Comparisons


117,240 ,866 ,000 ,360 117,240 44,289 ,000 ,000 ,866 44,289 ,360 ,000 57,410 17,146 ,000 ,000 57,410 39,184 ,000 ,000 17,146 39,184 ,000 ,000 F Sig. F Sig. F Sig. F Sig. F Sig. F Sig. Cluster Number of Case 1 2 3 1 2 3 Step 1 2 1 2 3 1, 30 degrees of freedom for step 1. a. 2, 29 degrees of freedom for step 2. b. Summary of Canonical Discriminant Functions Eigenvalues 4,377 a 81,2 81,2 ,902 1,010 a 18,8 100,0 ,709 Function 1 2 Eigenvalue of Variance Cumulative Canonical Correlation First 2 canonical discriminant functions were used in the analysis. a. Wilks Lambda ,092 70,228 4 ,000 ,497 20,602 1 ,000 Test of Functions 1 through 2 2 Wilks Lambda Chi-square df Sig. Universitas Sumatera Utara Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients ,289 ,958 ,964 -,266 Cakupan pertolongan oleh tenaga kesehatan Cakupan penanganan komplikasi neonatal 1 2 Function Structure Matrix ,957 -,289 ,446 ,291 ,082 ,057 ,266 ,964 ,063 ,485 ,025 ,466 ,306 ,453 ,133 ,352 Cakupan penanganan komplikasi neonatal Cakupan penanganan komplikasi obstetri a Cakupan kunjungan neonatal lengkap KN3 a Cakupan pertolongan oleh tenaga kesehatan cakupan kunjungan ibu hamil K1 a Cakupan kunjungan ibu hamil K4 a Cakupan kunjungan ibu nifas a Cakupan kunjungan neonatal KN1 a 1 2 Function Pooled within-groups correlations between discriminating variables and standardized canonical discriminant functions Variables ordered by absolute size of correlation within function. Largest absolute correlation between each variable and any discriminant function . This variable not used in the analysis. a. Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients ,023 ,076 ,055 -,015 -3,574 -5,879 Cakupan pertolongan oleh tenaga kesehatan Cakupan penanganan komplikasi neonatal Constant 1 2 Function Unstandardized coefficients Universitas Sumatera Utara Functions at Group Centroids -,862 ,416 3,745 -,417 -2,768 -3,531 Cluster Number of Case 1 2 3 1 2 Function Unstandardized canonical discriminant functions evaluated at group means Classification Statistics Classification Processing Summary 33 33 Processed Missing or out-of-range group codes At least one missing discriminating variable Excluded Used in Output Prior Probabilities for Groups ,333 24 24,000 ,333 7 7,000 ,333 2 2,000 1,000 33 33,000 Cluster Number of Case 1 2 3 Total Prior Unweighted Weighted Cases Used in Analysis Universitas Sumatera Utara Territorial Map Canonical Discriminant Function 2 -6,0 -4,0 -2,0 ,0 2,0 4,0 6,0 ôòòòòòòòòòôòòòòòòòòòôòòòòòòòòòôòòòòòòòòòôòòòòòòòòòôòòòòòòòòòô 6,0 ô 12 ô ó 12 ó ó 12 ó ó 12 ó ó 12 ó ó 12 ó 4,0 ô ô ô ô ô12 ô ô ó 12 ó ó 12 ó ó 12 ó ó 12 ó ó 12 ó 2,0 ô ô ô ô 12 ô ô ó 12 ó ó 12 ó ó 12 ó ó1 12 ó ó3111 12 ó ,0 ô 3331111 ô ô ô 12 ô ô ô ó 3333111 12 ó ó 333111 12 ó ó 3331111 12 ó ó 3333111 12 ó ó 3331111 12 ó -2,0 ô ô ô3333111 ô 12 ô ô ô ó 3331111 12 ó ó 333311112 ó ó 33312 ó ó 32 ó ó 32 ó -4,0 ô ô ô ô 32 ô ô ô ó 32 ó ó 32 ó ó 32 ó ó 32 ó ó 32 ó -6,0 ô 32 ô ôòòòòòòòòòôòòòòòòòòòôòòòòòòòòòôòòòòòòòòòôòòòòòòòòòôòòòòòòòòòô -6,0 -4,0 -2,0 ,0 2,0 4,0 6,0 Canonical Discriminant Function 1 C Symbols used in territorial map Symbol Group Label ------ ----- -------------------- 1 1 2 2 3 3 Indicates a group centroid Universitas Sumatera Utara Casewise Statistics 1 1 ,660 2 1,000 ,832 3 ,000 26,183 -1,084 1,301 2 2 ,543 2 1,000 1,222 1 ,000 27,019 4,335 ,517 1 1 ,849 2 1,000 ,328 3 ,000 20,387 -1,328 ,748 1 1 ,653 2 ,998 ,852 3 ,002 13,171 -1,639 -,082 1 1 ,825 2 1,000 ,385 3 ,000 17,695 -1,480 ,473 1 1 ,403 2 1,000 1,818 2 ,000 26,789 -,950 1,762 1 2 ,223 2 ,961 3,004 1 ,039 9,402 2,024 -,621 1 1 ,685 2 ,997 ,757 3 ,003 12,463 -1,373 -,288 1 1 ,763 2 1,000 ,541 3 ,000 16,056 -1,587 ,298 2 2 ,957 2 1,000 ,088 1 ,000 24,788 4,038 -,468 1 1 ,262 2 ,968 2,683 2 ,032 9,494 ,676 -,149 1 1 ,519 2 1,000 1,313 2 ,000 22,667 -,599 1,531 1 1 ,311 2 ,949 2,334 3 ,051 8,184 -1,616 -,913 2 2 ,737 2 1,000 ,612 1 ,000 26,045 4,237 ,191 2 2 ,318 2 ,981 2,293 1 ,019 10,146 2,301 ,038 3 3 ,095 2 ,542 4,698 1 ,458 5,033 -2,052 -1,485 1 1 ,719 2 1,000 ,659 3 ,000 20,793 -1,541 ,860 1 1 ,651 2 ,999 ,857 2 ,001 14,109 ,054 ,277 1 1 ,576 2 1,000 1,102 2 ,000 18,056 -,179 1,213 1 1 ,681 2 1,000 ,767 3 ,000 25,292 -1,168 1,237 1 1 ,875 2 1,000 ,267 3 ,000 21,391 -1,189 ,816 1 2 ,075 2 ,748 5,188 1 ,252 7,368 1,517 -,891 1 1 ,426 2 ,989 1,706 3 ,011 10,774 -1,910 -,363 2 2 ,092 2 1,000 4,763 1 ,000 25,061 3,188 -2,528 3 3 ,095 2 1,000 4,698 1 ,000 42,794 -3,483 -5,577 1 1 ,680 2 1,000 ,770 3 ,000 22,424 -1,490 1,028 2 2 ,756 2 1,000 ,558 1 ,000 24,104 3,787 -1,164 1 1 ,790 2 1,000 ,470 3 ,000 18,266 -1,532 ,560 1 1 ,762 2 1,000 ,543 3 ,000 23,402 -1,229 1,055 1 1 ,843 2 1,000 ,340 3 ,000 21,309 -1,268 ,835 2 2 ,558 2 1,000 1,167 1 ,000 26,962 4,330 ,491 1 1 ,275 2 ,948 2,580 3 ,052 8,392 -1,970 -,746 1 1 ,542 2 ,997 1,224 2 ,003 12,921 ,180 ,045 1 1 ,637 2 1,000 ,902 2 ,000 25,635 2 2 ,430 2 1,000 1,689 1 ,000 26,513 1 1 ,840 2 1,000 ,349 3 ,000 19,727 1 1 ,630 2 ,998 ,924 3 ,002 12,965 1 1 ,814 2 1,000 ,411 3 ,000 17,116 1 1 ,360 2 1,000 2,043 2 ,000 26,298 1 2 ,133 2 ,995 4,034 1 ,005 14,706 1 1 ,664 2 ,997 ,819 3 ,003 12,358 1 1 ,748 2 ,999 ,580 3 ,001 15,580 2 2 ,943 2 1,000 ,117 1 ,000 24,045 1 1 ,211 2 ,970 3,114 2 ,030 10,057 1 1 ,485 2 1,000 1,448 2 ,000 21,949 1 1 ,263 2 ,951 2,674 3 ,049 8,603 2 2 ,662 2 1,000 ,824 1 ,000 25,393 2 2 ,191 2 ,976 3,312 1 ,024 10,735 3 1 ,031 2 1,000 6,975 3 ,000 26,452 1 1 ,701 2 1,000 ,710 3 ,000 20,143 1 1 ,628 2 ,999 ,930 2 ,001 14,057 1 1 ,547 2 1,000 1,207 2 ,000 17,520 1 1 ,661 2 1,000 ,829 3 ,000 24,854 1 1 ,868 2 1,000 ,284 3 ,000 20,729 1 2 ,050 2 ,901 6,005 1 ,099 10,428 1 1 ,385 2 ,989 1,909 3 ,011 10,821 2 2 ,021 2 1,000 7,693 1 ,000 24,947 3 3 ,000 2 1,000 26,452 1 ,000 60,126 1 1 ,659 2 1,000 ,833 3 ,000 21,813 2 2 ,687 2 1,000 ,751 1 ,000 23,373 1 1 ,778 2 1,000 ,503 3 ,000 17,659 1 1 ,747 2 1,000 ,583 3 ,000 22,814 1 1 ,834 2 1,000 ,363 3 ,000 20,650 2 2 ,447 2 1,000 1,609 1 ,000 26,444 1 1 ,225 2 ,947 2,983 3 ,053 8,740 1 1 ,510 2 ,997 1,345 2 ,003 13,021 Case Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Original Cross-validated a Actual Group Predicted Group p df PDd | G=g PG=g | D=d Squared Mahalanobis Distance to Centroid Highest Group Group PG=g | D=d Squared Mahalanobis Distance to Centroid Second Highest Group Function 1 Function 2 Discriminant Scores For the original data, squared Mahalanobis distance is based on canonical functions. For the cross-validated data, squared Mahalanobis distance is based on observations. Misclassified case . Cross validation is done only for those cases in the analysis. In cross validation, each case is classified by the functions derived from all cases other than that case. a. Universitas Sumatera Utara Classification Results