The Framework of Task-Based Language Teaching

25 type of task. The tasks are mostly done though collaborative learning when the learners work in pairs and in groups. The communicative interaction will provide the students with much opportunity to the real language use. Another typology showed by Pattinson 1987 where he explores seven task and activity types. Those are: questions and answers, dialogues and role plays, matching, communication strategies, pictures and picture stories, puzzles and problems, discussions and decisions. Questions and answers are based on the notion of creating information gap between the learners by letting them transferring given information from one person to another. In dialogues and role plays students will be more willing to learn if they are involved and given some choice of what to say in their role play rather than told to simply repeat a given dialogue in pairs. While matching include recognizing matching items, or to complete pairs or sets, communication strategies such as paraphrasing, inventing words, using gestures, asking for feedback, simplifying which can be used to encourage learners to practice communication. Many activities can be stimulated through the use of pictures and picture stories, for example spot the difference, memory test or sequence pictures to tell story.

e. The Framework of Task-Based Language Teaching

Task-Based Language Teaching is not merely about giving tasks all the time to the learners. The learners are not given the tasks over and over without giving time or phase from one task to another. An important aspect in Task-Based Language Teaching is its framework because it will present the tasks given within the process of the framework. According to Willis 1996:38-40, there are three 26 basic phases in the framework of Task-Based Language Teaching namely Pre- Task, Task-Cycle and Language Focus. Pre-task is the first phase which introduces the topic and task. In this phase, the teacher helps the learners to get the depiction of the topic or to understand the task instructions. The teacher can start by offering topic-related words or phrases. This phase can also be used to give appropriate exposure to the learners to be interested to the topic. The second phase of TBLT allows the learners to use whatever language they already know in order to carry out the task and improve the language under the teacher’s guidance while they report the result of the task. The framework provides the three basic conditions for learning, namely exposure, use and motivation. The last phase is language focus; it includes analysis and practice components. It allows a closer study of some of the specific features as what naturally occurred in the language use during the task cycle. The learners have already worked with the language and processed it for meaning. The framework offers the learners three basic conditions of language learning, namely exposure, use and motivation. There is a desirable condition, namely instructions. Exposure is very important and it can be done by providing reading or listening or both inputs. Taken as an example, the teacher gives the students variety of types of language use so that they experience the language use of target language which may trigger their motivation. Use means giving the students chances to use real target language where making error is considered as natural. Motivation means providing activities which stimulate students’ interest and involvement in the learning process. 27 Not only learners who play important role in the teaching and learning process in the Task-Based Language Teaching but also the teacher. Willis 1996:40 further explains that the role of the teacher is as a facilitator. The teacher should keep in mind about the key condition for learning. He or she should make sure the balance between the exposure and the language use. Furthermore, the teacher should ensure the learners to understand and become a course guide who shows the objectives and how the components of the task can achieve it.

f. Task-Based Language Teaching for Beginners and Young Learners

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