Revising the Designed Materials

89 2 Change some of the pictures in the teacher’s book which could give the clearer context. 3 Maintain the consistency of the titles of the topics. 4 Change the instructions of the teacher’s book to ease the teacher to implement the teaching and learning process in the classroom. 5 The game should be more varied. 6 The media should be more varied by using the real things. 7 Provide more speaking activities in the designed materials. The writer realized that the comments and the suggestions were useful for the sake of the designed materials. Therefore, the suggestions above had been taken into consideration to revise the designed materials to be better. The next step was revising the designed materials based on the comments and suggestions listed above.

b. Revising the Designed Materials

Main product revision was the last step in RD to design speaking materials based on Task-Based Language Teaching for the extracurricular activity of the 2 nd graders of SD Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta. The main product revision was the umbrella of the last step of the writer’s model which was evaluating the designed materials. The process of revising the designed materials was included into the process of evaluating the designed materials. The elaboration would be discussed below. The results of the post-design questionnaire were encouraging the writer to make the designed materials better. Therefore, the writer revised the designed 90 materials based on the comments and suggestions given by the respondents in the preliminary field testing. However, the writer did not revise the designed materials based on all of the respondents’ comments and suggestions. The writer only chose some comments and suggestions which were relevant to the designed materials. Humbly, the writer would like to argue to some comments and suggestions which were not considered necessary to revise. The elaboration is presented below: There were five revisions done by the writer, those were: 1 The writer corrected the grammar and spelling mistakes in both student’s and teacher’s books. This aim at preventing the students as well as the teacher from confusion when they use the books. The wrong grammar and spelling may mislead both users in the teaching and learning process. The writer attempted also to avoid mistyping the sentences. 2 The writer changed some pictures in the teacher’s book which would be used as the flash cards with more contextual ones. The flash cards which were mostly changed from the greeting and introduction materials. The writer also attached the sources of the pictures to avoid plagiarism. It was very important to attach the sources of the pictures in the photocopiable materials. 3 The writer changed some titles of the topics as a means to maintain the consistency of the titles. The titles were very important because they reflected what the students were going to learn. By changing the titles of the topics, the writer attempted to reflect what the teaching and learning activities would include. Taken as an example the title “Fruit” was changed into “Can I have 2 Apples, please?” The content of the materials was clearly seen from the title 91 which was asking for help. Besides, the titles were expected to attract the students’ curiosity in following the lessons. 4 The writer attempted to improve some unclear instructions in the teacher’s book. The changes were important to ease the teacher in understanding and implementing the teaching and learning activities successfully. The instructions which were too complicated were changed into simpler instructions, especially in the games’ instructions. The other reason was the essential role of instructions in the Task-Based Language teaching in order to do the various tasks. If the instructions of the task were not clear, the task would not be done successfully. 5 The most important revision done by the writer was in the syllabus. The writer added descriptions for the learning activities in the syllabus. The writer considered that the descriptions of the learning activities were important to give clearer depiction how to do the tasks, how to give instructions to the students and the most essential was how to implement Task-Based Language Teaching in the classroom. The writer added two more columns in the learning activities which were used to describe the teacher’s and students’ activities. Besides, the writer added one more column after the learning indicators. The column was filled with the learning tasks. The learning tasks would give information about task types used by the writer and the task stages employed in arranging the subject content. In conclusion, the writer revised the designed materials in order to present the final version of the designed materials better. Considering the positive and 92 constructive comments as well as suggestions from the respondents, the writer were encouraged to revise five major points to make the designed materials better and acceptable to be implemented in the real teaching and learning activities. Further in this discussion, the writer would like to give argumentation towards the suggestions given by the respondents. Three were constructive suggestions from the respondents to make the designed materials better. Yet, the writer revised the designed materials based on five suggestions instead of all suggestions. Perceiving a respondent’s suggestion on the instructions used in the teacher’s book, the writer would like to give a reasonable argument. The writer revised only the instructions on how to play the games instead of the whole instructions. The respondent suggested that the main instructions should not have been copied from the student’s book. The reason why the writer copied and pasted the main instructions from the student’s book was merely to ease the teacher’s for finding the part of the activity or task if there was a student who asked about the activity or the task. It would be easier for the teacher to match the instructions in the teacher’s book if the instructions were not changed. Therefore, the writer only changed some of the games’ instructions in order to make them clearer. Secondly, the respondent suggested that the games should be more varied. Most of the games offered by the writer involved making a big circle in the classroom thus they were said to be a little monotonous. The writer argued that purpose of making a big circle was to ease the students for understanding the instructions of the game better. By making a big circle with the teacher standing in 93 the middle of the circle, the teacher could control each student whether he or she had already understood the instructions. The other reason was considering the time allocation which was 60 minutes for each meeting; it was difficult for the writer to offer a game which needed a lot of steps to do. Hence, the writer designed the games which involved all students. Based on the writer’s 2 semester experience in teaching the extracurricular activity of the 2 nd graders of SD Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta, the writer found out that the students were interested in the game which included all students. It motivated them to be more confident in using the target language. One of the respondents’ suggestions was to use the real things as the media in teaching and learning activities. The writer had positive impression towards the suggestion but the writer also considered the capability of the English teachers to prepare the real things in the classroom. Based on the interview result with the English teachers, they had time limitation to prepare such interesting activities as well as media to motivate the students. Considering that reason, the availability of plastic toys and simple media would help the English teacher to deal with the time allocation to prepare the media. Though, the use of the real things would better be fitted with the teacher’s capability to prepare. The other respondent suggested the writer provide more speaking activities in the classroom. The writer did not give any additional speaking activity in the designed materials. The first reason was the theory which underlined the arrangement of the tasks. The tasks had been chosen and arranged based on the framework of Task-Based Language Teaching TBLT. Therefore, if the writer 94 attached additional or more speaking activities, it would not fit in the framework of TBLT. The next reason was due to the time limit. The activities designed by the writer fit in the time allocation of each meeting which was only 60 minutes. If the writer added more activities, she would be afraid whether the time allocation could cope with the whole materials. The activities were in accordance with the students’ needs based on the results of the observations and interviews. As a result, the writer did not add more speaking activities considering those reasons mentioned. The next question to answer deals with the presentation of the speaking instructional materials based on Task-Based Language Teaching for the extracurricular activity of the 2 nd graders of SD Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta which would be described briefly on the next page.

B. The Brief Description of the Speaking Instructional Materials based on

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