Formulating Learning Objectives Step 3

71 about 60 minutes in every meeting. Since the topics were used as the extracurricular activity materials, the topics enrich the students with more chances to use the target language rather than focus on theory. The transactional and interactional functions of language were developed through the following topics: 1. Hello, Friends greetings and introduction 2. I Like Singing like and dislike 3. Wink Your Two Eyes numbers, imperative sentences and parts of body 4. Can I Have 2 Apples, Please? colors, taste and asking and giving help 5. I Love My family numbers and family tree 6. There are 7 Days in a Week days of a week, months of a year and routines questions what day is it today? 7. What Animal is that? animals’ names, food and colors. Question “what is that?” 8. May I Go to Your House? prepositions and asking permission expressions May I go to the toilet?

3. Formulating Learning Objectives Step 3

After formulating competency standard, listing topics and stating basic competences, the writer took the next step which was formulating the learning indicators as the replacement of the learning objectives. The learning indicators were arranged to measure the students’ achievement of the competence in every 72 meeting, whether the students were able to use the target language. The learning indicators were presented in Table 4.2. Table 4.2: The Learning Indicators Basic Competences Learning Indicators 2.1. Be able to speak to ask for or to give information about greetings and introduction. 2.1.1 Be able to pronounce the greeting and introduction expressions correctly. 2.1.2 Be able to differentiate greeting and introduction expressions based on the context. 2.1.3 Be able to greet someone using appropriate expressions. 2.1.4 Be able to introduce himher self to other people which include name and hometown in a polite way. 2.2. Be able to speak to ask for or to give information about like and dislike in the context of hobbies. 2.2.1 Be able to pronounce the kinds of hobbies correctly. 2.2.2 Be able to mention the kinds of hobbies appropriately. 2.2.3 Be able to ask someone’s hobby using the right expressions. 2.2.4 Be able to use the expressions of like and dislike appropriately. 2.3. Be able to speak to ask for or to give information and instruction about numbers and imperative sentences in the context of parts of body. 2.3.1 Be able to mention parts of the body and numbers from 1-20. 2.3.2 Be able to count parts of the body by mentioning the numbers appropriately. 2.3.3 Be able to use the imperative sentences appropriately. 2.3.4 Be able to do the instructions of the imperative sentences. 73 Basic Competences Learning Indicators 2.4. Be able to speak to ask for or to give information about colors, taste and help in the context of fruits. 2.4.1 Be able to mention the names, colors and taste of the fruits appropriately. 2.4.2 Be able to ask a fruit’s color and taste appropriately. 2.4.3 Be able to give information about fruits’ colors and taste. 2.4.4 Be able to use the expressions of asking and giving help. 2.5. Be able to speak to ask for or to give information about name, numbers and family tree of family members. 2.5.1 Be able to mention the family members appropriately based on the family tree. 2.5.2 Be able to ask someone’s family members concerning with names and numbers of family members. 2.5.3 Be able to answer questions about family members concerning names, numbers. 2.5.4 Be able to introduce the family members to other people. 2.6. Be able to speak to ask for or to give information about days, months and numbers of things in the context of classroom. 2.6.1 Be able to mention the names of the days in a week appropriately. 2.6.2 Be able to mention the names of the months in a year appropriately. 2.6.3 Be able to count the days, the months and the things in the classroom. 2.6.4 Be able to use singular and plural forms based on the context. 2.6.5 Be able to use the expressions which are usually used in the classroom. 2.7. Be able to speak to ask for or to give information about the tame and wild animals. 2.7.1 Be able to differentiate the wild and the tame animals appropriately. 2.7.2 Be able to mention the colors, food and names of the animals appropriately. 2.7.3 Be able to ask someone about the animals’ name, food and colors. 2.7.4 Be able to answer someone’s questions about animals’ name, food and colors. 74 Basic Competences Learning Indicators 2.8. Be able to speak to ask for or to give information about the place of something and asking for permissions in the context of house. 2.8.1 Be able to mention the rooms’ names in the house. 2.8.2 Be able to use the prepositions to show the place appropriately. 2.8.3 Be able to use the expressions of asking permissions appropriately. 2.8.4 Be able to ask where a place is. 2.8.5 Be able answer to someone’s question about a place.

4. Listing the Subject Content Step 4

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