English Learning Activities through Multiple Intelligences

30 identifying the words longer. If the students mispronounce the words, the teacher should pronounce it again. The third step is “the students grasp the meaning”. Giving direct translation of the word meaning will not help students in learning vocabulary. The teacher may use media or tools in giving the definition such as pictures and realia. The teacher should realize the process of steps in learning vocabulary: hearing, pronouncing the words and understanding the meaning. The students should experience the process well in order to make them understand new vocabularies. Nunan 2003: 135 states four principles in teaching vocabulary: 1 Focus on the most useful vocabularies. 2 Focus on the vocabulary in the most appropriate way. 3 Give attention to the high frequency of words. 4 Encourage learners to reflect on and take responsibility for learning.

b. The importance of vocabulary

Based on the meaning, vocabulary can be said as students’ supporter to learn the skills. By having sufficient vocabularies, students will find easier in understanding materials in reading skill. The skill in speaking also needs vocabulary. The students will not be involved in a conversation if they do not recognize the meaning of the words used by others or even themselves. Considering the importance of vocabulary, mastery in this level should be ensured and developed. 31

B. Theoretical Framework

In this part, the writer relates the theories discussed and the steps in designing the instructional materials. The writer utilizes two instructional design models and Multiple Intelligences theory. Those theories more or less provide such contribution in designing a set of English vocabulary instructional materials based on multiple intelligences to the fourth grade students of elementary school. The purpose of this study is to find out the most suitable materials based on multiple intelligences. The study on children’s characteristics and development and the principles in teaching foreign language for children are needed to understand. It is important since the writer designs a set of instructional materials for the fourth grade students of elementary school who have special characteristics. The writer applies multiple intelligences theory in the designed materials. Multiple intelligences theory was suggested by Howard Gardner. Gardner offers eight types of multiple intelligences specifically linguistic intelligence, logical- mathematical intelligence, musical intelligence, spatial intelligence, bodily- kinaesthetic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence and naturalist intelligence. Multiple intelligences facilitate teachers in developing students’ interest and talents. In designing the materials, the writer employs Kemp’s and Yalden’s model of the instructional design because these two models describe the steps clearly. The writer adopts two design models to build a framework of this study. Kemp’s model gives a clear explanation about forming objectives, activities and 32 resources, and also evaluation. It can be applied to all levels of education and also has a flexible process. Whereas, Yalden’s is concerned with the importance of need survey in designing the materials. Therefore, the modification of Kemp’s and Yalden’s model can provide a more applicable and appropriate instructional model of this study. The developed framework of the designed materials consists of eight steps. Those are as follows.

1. Needs survey

The first step is taken from Yalden’s model. The writer will investigate and gather information about students’ purpose related to their background and motivation in learning English. Conducting needs survey is important before planning the instruction. The result of the needs survey are utilized as the basis of developing materials.

2. Stating goal, topics, and general purposes

The writer adapted the second step from Kemp’s model. In this step, the writer lists some topics based on the learners’ need in learning English vocabulary. Then, the goals of the materials design are determined. After determining the goals for each topic, the writer formulates the general purposes.

4. Stating learning objectives

The fourth step is taken from Kemp’s model. The learning objectives are essential in instructional planning to know specifically what to teach. Learning objectives are classified into three: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. 33

5. Selecting teaching activities and instructional resources

This step is taken from Kemp’s model. The materials consist of various activities based on multiple intelligences theory. Moreover, these activities are organized based on the topics and the objectives. After deciding the activities employed, the writer develops the materials. The lesson plan is also formulated in this step as a guidance to teach English. In selecting teaching activities, the writer considers children’s characteristics and development also the principles in teaching foreign language for children as the fourth grade students of elementary school have special characteristics. Besides, the writer also applies multiple intelligences theory in the designed materials to vary the teaching activities. Accordingly, facilitate the students’ interests and talents.

6. Designing the materials

The writer adapted this sixth step from Yalden’s model. This step focuses on material development.

7. Evaluating

This step is taken from Kemp’s model. It is carried out to evaluate the designed materials. The writer obtains respondents’ opinions and suggestions by distributing questionnaires and conducts an interview.

8. Revising

The last step is revising. After analyzing the evaluation survey result, the writer will revise and improve the materials design. The final version is produced in this step. The writer illustrates the eight steps in Figure 2.4.

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