Problem Formulation Problem Limitation

8 topics which are alphabets, greetings, numbers, hobbies, prepositions, things in the classroom, directions, and school activities. 4. Multiple Intelligences Multiple intelligences is defined as “a learner-based philosophy that characterizes human intelligence as having multiple dimensions that must be acknowledged and developed in education” Richards Rodger, 2001: 115. These intelligences consist of nine intelligences namely linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, naturalist intelligence, and existential intelligence Suparno, 2004: 25-44. Multiple intelligences in this study refer to the eight types of intelligences which are linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence and naturalist intelligence. 5. Elementary school students Elementary school refers to the elementary education program which has duration six years Soedijarto, 1993: 128. Based on Peraturan Pemerintah RI No. 28 Tahun 1990, it means a unit form of basic education which runs a six-year program. Based on those definitions, the writer defines that elementary school students are students who join the six-year program of basic education, and this study is only focused on grade IV students. Thus, in this study, elementary school students refer to the fourth grade students of SD Negeri Dayuharjo Yogyakarta. 9


This chapter presents a discussion upon which the study was developed. There are two parts of discussion namely theoretical description and theoretical framework. The theoretical description presents a detailed description of concepts related to the research. In the theoretical framework, the writer relates the theories discussed to the research.

A. Theoretical Description

The theoretical description presents the theories which are the basis of this study. Those theories consist of theories about instructional design models, foreign language learning for children, multiple intelligences theory, and theory on vocabulary.

1. Instructional Materials Design Models

In this subsection, the writer describes two instructional design models that are Kemp’s model and Yalden’s model.

a. Kemp’s Model

Kemp’s instructional design model provides clear explanation in forming objectives, activities and resources. Besides, it offers flexibility. So, it is possible to move back and forth in designing materials. This model also can be applied in all educational levels, from elementary school up to university. Thus, the writer chooses Kemp’s instructional design model as the theory of designing materials.

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