114 ii Kata Pengantar Era globalisasi telah tiba. Dalam era yang seolah tanpa jarak itu, komunikasi antarbangsa memegang peranan yang sangat penting. Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa internasional akan diperlukan dan digunakan orang di berbagai tempat. Itulah sebabnya, belajar bahasa Inggris sejak dini merupakan pilihan yang bijak. Buku Fun with English ini disusun untuk menunjang pilihan bijak terseut. Dengan buku ini, diharapkan belajar bahasa Inggris, khususnya kosakata, bukanlah hal yang sulit, terutama bagi anak-anak. Didukung dengan gambar berwarna dan berbagai aktivitas yang menarik, buku ini tidak saja membimbing anak-anak belajar bahasa Inggris dengan menyenangkan tetapi juga mengembangkan kecerdasan lainnya. Buku ini diperuntukkan bagi peserta didik kelas 4 sekolah dasar. Buku Fun with English ini dikembangkan berdasarkan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. Buku ini diramu dan disajikan secara menarik dan berkualitas. Diharapkan, buku ini turut memberi sumbangan yang berarti dalam menyiapkan anak-anak Indonesia memasuki kancah abad antarbangsa. Yogyakarta, Oktober 2010 Penulis iii I. Look, Listen, and Repeat 1. The teacher reads the alphabets from A to Z. 2. The teacher asks the students to repeat pronouncing the alphabets one by one. Repeating is suggested

II. Let’s Practice

Palm Writing Instructions: 1. Work in pairs. 2. The first person has the letter. 3. The second person closes hisher eyes. 4. The first person draws the letter outline on the palm of the second child’s hand with hisher finger. 5. The second child says the letter.

III. Let’s Have Fun

Alphabet Wave Game  Divide the a-z flashcards among all your students.  Put students in a line and play the ABC song.  As it plays, each student must hold up his or her corresponding alphabet flashcard. UNIT 1 iv I. Look, Listen, and Repeat 1. The teacher reads all the sentences in a row, the students listen. 2. The teacher reads the sentences with pauses and asks the students to repeat. 3. The teacher gives examples in greeting and saying goodbye by asking one or more students to come in front of the class and doing a simple role play based on the examples given or give other examples.

II. Let’s Practice

1. The students are asked to read the dialogue individually. 2. After reading it, the students practice reading it with their friend or partner. 3. The teacher may ask some students to practice the dialogue in front the class by reading it, if possible the students are asked to memorize it.

III. Let’s Have Fun

The teacher leads to sing a song and do some movements based on the lyric. UNIT 2

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