Types of Multiple Intelligences

25 6 Interpersonal intelligence Interpersonally-skilled learners most likely enjoy interacting with others of similar or varied ages. They have good relationship with parents and others. These learners also recognize and use a variety of ways to relate to others. They understand and communicate effectively in both verbal and nonverbal ways. 7 Intrapersonal intelligence Campbell and Dickinson define learners with well-developed intrapersonal intelligence are aware of their emotions range. They are able to find approaches and outlets to express their feelings and thoughts and motivated to identify and pursue goals. Moreover, they develop an accurate model of self and curios about the “big questions” in life: meaning, relevance, and purpose. 8 Naturalist Intelligence Naturalist-skilled learners usually enjoy collecting, observing, and noticing things related to the nature. They also like to explore something particular in nature such as plants, animals, flowers and learn them in detail. In addition, they are interested in watching natural phenomenon like the moon or stars and obtaining information about them.

c. Applying Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom

Teachers should think of all intelligences as equally important since the multiple intelligences theory implies that they should recognize and teach to a broader range of talents and skills. Therefore, teachers should arrange the presentation of material in which engages most or all of the intelligences. The 26 Linguistic: How to involve the students to speak, read, and write Musical: How to involve music, sound, rhyme or melody in the lesson Logical mathematical: How to introduce numbers, logic, classification or critical thought Spatial: How to use pictures, color, art or other visual tools Naturalistic: How to involve the nature or ecosystem in the lesson Intrapersonal: How to awaken students’ imagination, personal feelings, or experience Bodilykinaesthetic: How to involve the students to move or use their body Interpersonal: How to involve the students to socialize with their friends Objective students will come into the classroom with different sets of developed intelligences. This means that they will have their own unique set of intellectual strengths and weaknesses. For that reason, teachers have to select the most suitable learning styles for the students. To apply all the intelligences in the class is difficult. However, Armstrong recommends a diagram, which offers questions of multiple intelligences planning, to direct the ideas, strategies, and activities to be applied in the class. The multiple intelligences diagram is presented in Figure 2.3. Figure 2.3 Multiple Intelligences Diagram Armstrong, 2000: 236

d. English Learning Activities through Multiple Intelligences

In order to help the learners realize their potential, it is important to vary activities which employ all eight types of multiple intelligences. Besides, varied activities will help the learners to improve interest and may avoid boredom in the 27 learning process. To do so, the teacher should think about the activities that are frequently used in the classroom and categorize them according to the intelligence types. There are activities that support the multiple intelligences in learning English suggested by Armstrong 2000: 170. 1 Linguistic Intelligence In improving linguistic intelligence, the teacher uses lectures, small and large group discussion, word games, listening to cassettes or talking books, storytelling, debates, drilling, and aloud reading. Through these activities, students may enhance their vocabulary. 2 Logical-mathematical Intelligence Since learners with logical-mathematical intelligence enjoy doing science experiment, numbers, problem solving, and finding patterns, the teacher uses games and puzzles to help them in memorizing vocabulary. 3 Musical Intelligence To facilitate learners with musical intelligence, the teacher will use songs in English learning. The teacher will also ask the students to sing the song. These songs will assist the students in recognizing the vocabulary before going through to the next discussion. Songs selection is important. Thus, the teacher has to select simple songs and consider the appropriateness to the theme.

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