APPENDIX A Letter of Permission 69 APPENDIX B Questionnaire of the Needs Survey 70 KUESIONER UNTUK SISWA I. Data Responden a. Umur : b. Jenis kelamin : c. Bahasa sehari-hari boleh lebih dari satu :  Bahasa Indonesia  Bahasa Jawa  Bahasa Asing misalnya bahasa Inggris d. Belajar bahasa Inggris sejak :  TK  SD II. Lingkarilah jawaban yang sesuai dengan pendapatmu untuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini 1. Apakah bahasa Inggris itu menyenangkan? a. Ya b. Tidak 2. Apakah kamu mengikuti kursus bahasa Inggris di luar sekolah? a. Ya b. Tidak 3. Apakah kamu belajar bahasa Inggris agar dapat mengetahui berbagai kosakatanya? a. Ya b. Tidak 4. Apakah kamu belajar bahasa Inggris agar dapat mengucapkan kata-kata dalam bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar? a. Ya b. Tidak 5. Apakah bahasa Inggris itu sulit? a. Ya b. Tidak 6. Jika Ya, apakah alasanmu? a. tidak tahu danatau tidak hapal kosakata dalam Bahasa Inggris b. kegiatan belajar bahasa Inggris kurang bervariasi c. topik kurang menarik 7. Apakah media pembelajaran seperti gambar, kartu, tape recorder, dll membantu kamu dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? 71 a. Ya b. Tidak 8. Situasi belajar seperti apa yang kamu inginkan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? a. Serius b. Santai c. Menyenangkan 9. Kegiatan apa yang kamu sukai? boleh memilih lebih dari satu a. Menyusun dan menulis kata, menghapal kosakata b. Menghitung objek c. Permainan dengan gerakan melompat, menari d. Mengamati benda-benda atau gambar e. Menyusun puzzle f. Mendengarkan lagu dan bernyanyi g. Belajar dalam kelompok h. Belajarbekerja sendiri i. Belajarmelihat alam sekitar j. Lainnya ............................................... 10. Pilihlah topik-topik yang bisa mendukungmu dalam belajar bahasa Inggrisminimal lima a. Alphabets huruf b. Numbers angka-angka c. Hobbies kegemaran d. Prepositions kata depanperangkai e. Things in the Classroom benda-benda di kelas f. Direction arah g. School Activities kegiatan sekolah h. Greetings salam i. Introduction perkenalan j. Body and Face tubuh dan wajah Terima Kasih 72 INTERVIEW ON THE NEEDS SURVEY 1. Bagaimana karakteristik anak kelas 4 di SD Negeri Dayuharjo? 2. Bagaimana kemampuan bahasa Inggris siswa kelas 4? 3. Dalam 1 minggu, berapa kali anak harus mengikuti pelajaran bahasa Inggris? 4. Bagaimana respon para siswa kelas 4 dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? 5. Kesulitan apa yang dihadapi para siswa kelas 4 dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? 6. Apa yang dilakukan dalam menghadapi kesulitan tersebut? 7. Teknik apa yang Anda gunakan dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris? Apakah teknik tersebut efektif? 8. Menurut Anda, aktivitas apa yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam berbahasa Inggris? 9. Apakah Anda menggunakan materi tambahan atau materi khusus dalam mengajar? 10. Jika ada, apakah materi tersebut efektif dan menunjang dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? 11. Apakah para siswa membutuhkan aktivitas yang menarik dalam belajar bahsa Inggris? 12. Apakah para siswa memiliki bakat dan minat yang sama dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? 73 13. Jika tidak, bagaimana cara menjembatani keanekaragaman tersebut aktivitas dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? 14. Situasi kelas bagaimana yang dapat mendukung siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? 15. Media apa saja yang biasa digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris? 16. Bagaimana pendapat Anda mengenai penerapan teori kecerdasan majemuk dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris? Alasan? APPENDIX C The Result of Questionnaire on the Needs Survey 74 The Result of Questionnaire on the Needs Survey No. Questions Responses Number of respondents Percen- tage a. Yes 51 100 1. Do you think that English is fun? b. No a. Yes 8 15.68 2. Are you joining an English course? b. No 43 84.32 a. Yes 44 86.27 3. Do you learn English in order to recognize the vocabularies? b. No 7 13.73 a. Yes 49 96.07 4. Do you learn English in order to be able to pronounce the English words correctly? b. No 2 3.93 a. Yes 21 41.17 5. Do you think that English is difficult? b. No 30 58.83 a. Do not know the English words 21 41.17 b. The activities are less in variation 6. If Yes, what is the reason? c. The topics are less interesting a. Yes 45 88.23 7. Do the teaching media such as pictures, cards, tape recorder, etc help you in learning English? b. No 6 11.77 a. Serious 26 50.98 b. Relaxed 1 1.96 8. What type of condition do you prefer in studying English? c. Fun 24 47.06 a. Arranging and writing words, memorizing words 24 47.06 b. Counting objects 3 5.88 9. What kind of activities do you prefer? may choose more than one c. Doing physical activities jumping, 15 29.41 75 No. Questions Responses Number of respondents Percen- tage dancing d. Observing things or pictures 24 47.06 e. Listening to the music and singing 24 47.06 f. Arranging puzzle 21 41.17 g. Working in group 23 45.09 h. Working individually 6 11.77 i. Observing surroundings 17 33.3 j. Others … 5 9.8 a. Alphabets 31 60.78 b. Numbers 38 74.51 c. Hobbies 32 62.75 d. Prepositions 5 9.81 e. Things in the classroom 39 76.47 f. Direction 15 29.41 g. School Activities 29 56.86 h. Greetings 19 37.25 i. Introduction 21 41.17 10. Choose the topics that interest and able to help you in learning English min.5 j. Body and Face 25 49.02 APPENDIX D The Result of the Interview on the Needs Survey 76 The Result of the Interview on the Needs Survey No. Case Answers 1. The characteristics of the fourth grade students of SD Negeri Dayuharjo.  The students are less focus on the lesson.  Most of the students like to work in group.  Most of the students feel afraid of English lesson because they often find difficulties in learning English.  Most of the students are active. 2. The students’ ability in learning English. Generally, they are good but still find difficulties such as in memorizing vocabularies and reading. 3. How many times a week are the students learning English. Once a week for 2 hours. 4. The students’ response in learning English. Difficult in grasping the lesson because the students feel afraid of not being able in learning English. 5. The difficulties found in learning English. Memorizing vocabularies and pronouncing English words. Students’ paradigm that English is a difficult lesson. 6. The way to solve the problems. The teacher always gives homework to make the students practice such as translating simple sentences and memorizing 5 new words every week. 7. Techniques used in teaching English. The teacher uses conventional technique teacher-centered. 8. Activities that are able to increase students’ ability in English. Various activities like singing, games, more practice and exercise. 9. Whether the teacher uses complementary or particular materials in teaching English. The teacher uses some books from various publishers. 10. Whether the materials are effective or not and help the students in learning English. Yes. The materials help the teacher in preparing the teaching and learning process. 11. Whether the students need interesting activities in learning English. Yes, it can increase the students’ motivation in learning English. 12. Whether the students have the same interests and Of course not, because every child is different. They have their own interests 77 No. Case Answers talents in learning English. and talents. 13. If not, the activities that the teacher use in teaching English. The teacher uses various activities such as games and work in group. 14. Condition in the process of teaching and learning English. Serious but still be able to make the students feel comfortable and relax in learning English. 15. The media that are used to teach English. Books, pictures, cards and sometimes tape recorder. 16. The teachers’ opinion on the application of multiple intelligences theory in English learning. Good, because the activities may be varied. So, the students will be more interested in learning English. APPENDIX E Syllabus 78 SYLLABUS SCHOOL : DAYUHARJO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CLASS : IV FOUR LESSON : ENGLISH Standard Competence Basic Competence Learning Material Learning Activity Indicators Intelligences being Developed Assessments Time Allocation Sources 3. Understand simple written English in classroom context 3.1. to read aloud by pronouncing and expressing the alphabets correctly that includes words, phrases, and simple sentences  Pictures of alphabets  Texts and dialogues  Song and games  Pronouncing the alphabets  Spelling names  Practicing dialogue in pairs  Singing an alphabet song  Playing alphabets game Students are able to:  pronounce the English alphabets correctly  spell names in English correctly  put the alphabets in the right order  Verbal- linguistic  Visual-spatial  Interpersonal  Musical  Bodily- kinesthetic  Logical- mathematical  Intrapersonal  Make pictures in well-ordered based on alphabets  Drawing path based on the alphabets 2 x 30 minutes www.printac m www.eslteac m www.dailycl www.clipart. 79 Standard Competence Basic Competence Learning Material Learning Activity Indicators Intelligences being Developed Assessments Time Allocation Sources 2. Express very simple instruction and information in the classroom context 2.1. have a conversation to participate in an action which includes introduction, greeting, parting, and command  Pictures and texts about greetings and partings  Dialogue  Song  Pictures of numbers  Numbers puzzle  Game  Practicing greetings and partings  Practicing dialogues  Matching pictures with the correct expressions  Singing a song  Pronouncing numbers in English  Practicing to calculate in English  Doing puzzle of numbers  Playing a game Students are able to:  Identify how to use the expressions of greetings and partings correctly  use the expressions of greetings and partings correctly  recall numbers in English  pronounce numbers in English correctly  calculate numbers in English correctly  Verbal- linguistic  Visual- spatial  Interpersonal  Musical  Logical- mathematical  Intrapersonal  Verbal- linguistic  Visual-spatial  Logical- mathematical  Naturalist  Intrapersonal  Interpersonal  Bodily- kinesthetic  Verbal- linguistic  Finding hidden words  Drawing path based on the counting 2 x 30 minutes 2 x 30 minutes com Speed Up English 4 80 Standard Competence Basic Competence Learning Material Learning Activity Indicators Intelligences being Developed Assessments Time Allocation Sources  Pictures and texts of hobbies  Puzzle of hobbies  Pictures and texts of prepositi on  Pronouncing and mentioning hobbies in English  Reading sentences  Arranging jumbled letters  Matching pictures  Playing games of hobbiesmode ling  Pronouncing the prepositions  Matching pictures with the correct prepositions  Arranging  mention type of hobbies in English correctly  memorize prepositions in English correctly  pronounce prepositions correctly  describe  Visual-spatial  Intrapersonal  Interpersonal  Bodily- kinesthetic  Logical- mathematical  Verbal- linguistic  Visual-spatial  Naturalist  Intrapersonal  Musical  Bodily- kinesthetic  Matching pictures and the type of hobbies  Arranging puzzle  Describing prepositions based on a picture given 2 x 30 minutes 2 x 30 minutes 81 Standard Competence Basic Competence Learning Material Learning Activity Indicators Intelligences being Developed Assessments Time Allocation Sources jumbled sentences  Drawing pictures based on instructions  Playing a game positions of a room  Logical- mathematical 2.2 have a conversation to participate in an action to askgive servicegoods which involves speech behavior: ask for help, ask and give goods  Pictures of things in the classroo m  Jumbled letters of things in the classroo m  Pronouncing things in English  Observing and mentioning things in the class in English  Arranging jumbled letters  pronounce things in English correctly  mention things in the classroom in English  Verbal- linguistic  Visual-spatial  Naturalist  Intrapersonal  Musical  Bodily- kinesthetic  Finding hidden words 2 x 30 minutes 82 Standard Competence Basic Competence Learning Material Learning Activity Indicators Intelligences being Developed Assessments Time Allocation Sources 6. Express very simple instruction and information in the classroom context 6.2 have a conversation to participate in an action which involves speech behavior: give example in doing something and command  Pictures of signs  Texts of direction  Pictures of activities in school  Texts and list of verbs  Pronouncing directions in English  Drawing symbols  Arranging jumbled sentences  Playing a game  Mentioning activities in school  Pronouncing sentences related to activities in school.  Cutting and sticking pictures based on the correct verbs  Memorize directions in English  Use the words of directions  Produce sentences to direct  Repeat verbs of activities in school  Mention activities in English correctly  Verbal- linguistic  Visual-spatial  Musical  Bodily- kinesthetic  Intrapersonal  Naturalist  Verbal- linguistic  Visual- spatial  Bodily- kinesthetic  Intrapersonal  Naturalist  Interpersonal  Describing location of places  Making a simple dialogue  Describing activities based on a picture given 2 x 30 minutes 2 x 30 minutes 83 Standard Competence Basic Competence Learning Material Learning Activity Indicators Intelligences being Developed Assessments Time Allocation Sources  Observing activities in class and its surroundings  Playing a game APPENDIX F Lesson Plan 84 LESSON PLAN 1 Subject : English Language ClassSemester : IV I Standard Competence : 3. Understand simple written English in classroom context Basic Competence : 3.2. Read aloud by pronouncing and expressing the alphabets correctly which includes words, phrases, and simple sentences Indicator :  Students are able to recognize the English alphabets.  Students are able to pronounce the English alphabets correctly.  Students are able to spell names in English correctly. Theme : Alphabets AspectSkill : Integrated Time Allocation : 2 x 30’

A. Learning Objective

At the end of the semester, the students are expected to be able to:  pronounce the English alphabets correctly  spell names in English correctly

B. Learning Material

 Pictures of alphabets  Texts and dialogues  Games 85

C. Learning Activity

I. Look, Listen, and Repeat  The teacher greets the students.  The teacher introduces the topic will be learnt by asking the students to mention some alphabets.  The teacher asks the students to pronounce the alphabets by repeating after the teacher. II. Let’s Practice  The teacher asks the students to practice writing the alphabets on their friends’ palm.  The teacher leads the students to spell names.  The students practice spelling names in group.  The teacher asks some students to practice the dialogue in front of the class. III. Let’s Have Fun  The teacher asks the students to sing an alphabet song together.  The teacher leads the students to play a game.  The students find a way out of a labyrinth and discuss the answer together with the teacher.  The teacher reviews the whole materials briefly.  The teacher closes the lesson. IV. Homework  The students do the homework individually.

D. Learning Sources

a. Kurniawan, Rita and Naning Partini. 2006. Speed Up Englih 4. Jakarta: Yudhistira. b.

E. Evaluation

Drawing path based on the alphabets. 86 LESSON PLAN 2 Subject : English Language ClassSemester : IV I Standard Competence : 2. Express very simple instruction and information in the classroom context Basic Competence : 2.1. have a conversation to participate in an action which includes introduction, greeting, parting, and command Indicator :  Students are able to identify how to use the expressions of greetings and partings correctly.  Students are able to use the expressions of greetings and partings correctly. Theme : Greeting and Parting AspectSkill : Integrated Time Allocation : 2 x 30’

A. Learning Objective

At the end of the semester, the students are expected to be able to:  identify how to use the expressions of greetings and partings correctly  use the expressions of greetings and partings correctly

B. Learning Material

 Pictures and texts about greetings and partings  Dialogue

C. Learning Activity

I. Look, Listen, and Repeat • The teacher greets the students. • The teacher introduces the topic will be learnt by asking the students about the pictures. 87 • The students practice pronouncing expressions of greeting and parting by repeating after the teacher. II. Let’s Practice • The students practice the dialogue in pairs. • The teacher asks some students to practice the dialogue in front of the class. • The teacher asks the students to do the exercise given and discuss the answer together. III. Let’s Have Fun • The teacher asks the students to sing a song together. • The teacher reviews the whole materials briefly. • The teacher closes the lesson. IV. Homework • The students do the homework individually.

D. Learning Sources

a. Kurniawan, Rita and Naning Partini. 2006. Speed Up Englih 4. Jakarta: Yudhistira. b.

E. Evaluation

Finding hidden words. 88 LESSON PLAN 3 Subject : English Language ClassSemester : IV I Standard Competence : 2. Express very simple instruction and information in the classroom context Basic Competence : 2.1. have a conversation to participate in an action which includes introduction, greeting, parting, and command Indicator :  Students are able to recall numbers in English  Students are able to pronounce numbers in English correctly  Students are able to calculate numbers in English correctly Theme : Numbers AspectSkill : Integrated Time Allocation : 2 x 30’

A. Learning Objective

At the end of the semester, the students are expected to be able to:  recall numbers in English  pronounce numbers in English correctly  calculate numbers in English correctly

B. Learning Material

 Pictures of numbers  Numbers puzzle  Games 89

C. Learning Activity

I. Look, Listen, and Repeat  The teacher greets the students.  The teacher introduces the topic will be learnt by mentioning some numbers.  The teacher asks the students to pronounce the numbers and some mathematics symbols by repeating after the teacher. II. Let’s Practice  The teacher asks the students to do the first exercise and discuss the answer together.  The teacher asks the students to do the second exercise and asks the students to write the answer on the board.  The teacher asks the students to do the third exercise and discuss the answer together. III. Let’s Have Fun  The teacher asks the students to go around the class and schoolyard to do exploration.  The teacher leads the students to play a game.  The teacher reviews the whole materials briefly.  The teacher closes the lesson. IV. Homework  The students do the homework individually.

D. Learning Sources

a. Kurniawan, Rita and Naning Partini. 2006. Speed Up Englih 4. Jakarta: Yudhistira. b.

E. Evaluation

Drawing path.

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