Applying Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom

29 8 Naturalist Intelligence These learners are able to learn by observing. They notice the natural object as manipulative and as background for learning. Therefore, the teacher will utilize the surroundings to be observed.

4. Theory on Vocabulary a. The nature of teaching vocabulary

Teaching vocabulary is more than giving and presenting new words to students. It requires students’ ability to understand and use the words correctly. It is different between know and understand the words. A student knows how to pronounce a word and its meaning but he does not know how to write and use the word correctly. The student only knows but does not understand. In learning vocabulary, there is a process from knowing words until understanding the words. Wallace 1982:144 states that there are five aspects in learning vocabulary, those are, recognizing, recalling, pronouncing, spelling and using the words. According to Lado 1964: 121, there are three steps in teaching vocabulary. The first step is “the students hear the new word for several times”. The teacher must pronounce the words for several times and let the students hear them. Repetition is important for the students in knowing the correct pronunciation. The second step is “the students pronounce the words”. In this step, the teacher gives opportunity to the students to pronounce the words through reading and listening. This kind of activity will help the students in remembering and 30 identifying the words longer. If the students mispronounce the words, the teacher should pronounce it again. The third step is “the students grasp the meaning”. Giving direct translation of the word meaning will not help students in learning vocabulary. The teacher may use media or tools in giving the definition such as pictures and realia. The teacher should realize the process of steps in learning vocabulary: hearing, pronouncing the words and understanding the meaning. The students should experience the process well in order to make them understand new vocabularies. Nunan 2003: 135 states four principles in teaching vocabulary: 1 Focus on the most useful vocabularies. 2 Focus on the vocabulary in the most appropriate way. 3 Give attention to the high frequency of words. 4 Encourage learners to reflect on and take responsibility for learning.

b. The importance of vocabulary

Based on the meaning, vocabulary can be said as students’ supporter to learn the skills. By having sufficient vocabularies, students will find easier in understanding materials in reading skill. The skill in speaking also needs vocabulary. The students will not be involved in a conversation if they do not recognize the meaning of the words used by others or even themselves. Considering the importance of vocabulary, mastery in this level should be ensured and developed.

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