Principle of Children Language Learning

23 7 Intrapersonal intelligence Intrapersonal intelligence entails the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate ones feelings, fears and motivations. It involves having an effective working model of ourselves, and to be able to use such information to regulate our lives. 8 Naturalist Intelligence Naturalist intelligence is an ability to understand and recognize the patterns of nature.

b. Learners’ Characteristics Based on Multiple Intelligences Theory

It is also important to recognize learners’ characteristics based on multiple intelligences theory after identifying the types of multiple intelligences. The description of the learners’ characteristics below might be beneficial in identifying personal characteristics, traits, behaviours, and preferences for each of the eight intelligences. Campbell and Dickinson classify the characteristics as follows 1996: 4-195: 1 Linguistic Intelligence Learners with well-developed verbal-linguistic intelligence are able to listen and respond to the sound, rhythm, colour, and variety of the spoken word. They imitate sounds, language, reading, writing, and discussing. They usually learn through listening, reading, writing, and discussing. In learning other languages, they utilize listening, speaking, writing, and reading to remember, communicate, discuss, explain, persuade, create knowledge, construct meaning, and reflect upon language itself . 24 2 Logical-mathematical Intelligence Learners with well-developed logical-mathematical intelligence mostly use logic, numbers, and reason. They use abstract symbols to represent concrete objects and concepts. They also demonstrate skill at logical problem-solving. 3 Musical Intelligence As stated by Campbell and Dickinson, learners with well-developed musical intelligence listen and respond with interest to a variety of sounds including the human voice, environmental sounds, and music, and organize such sound into meaningful patterns. Hence, they enjoy and seek out opportunities to hear music or environmental sounds in the learning environment. They usually develop the musical ability alone or with others. 4 Bodily-kinaesthetic Intelligence Learners who exhibit bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence are able to use their whole bodies to solve problems. They prefer to touch, handle, or manipulate what is to be learned. They like activities which involved them actively such as going on field trips, making films, building or drawing things, games, participating in role play, or doing physical exercise. 5 Spatial intelligence Learners with well-developed spatial intelligence usually learn by seeing and observing. They are able to recognize faces, objects, shapes, colours, details, and scenes. They also use visual images as an aid in recalling information. Thus, they enjoy doodling, drawing, painting, sculpting, or otherwise reproducing objects in visible forms.

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