Exchange Utility Configuration File Workflow Configuration File

Password Encryption 5-3 ■ ldap.bindPassword ■ enterprise.guest.password ■ cmee.wsaa.password This encryption occurs when the properties are edited and saved. Automatic encryption of passwords during an upgrade is unavailable at this time. Passwords stored with the artifact stores are stored in the database in an encrypted format.

5.3 Encrypting the Configuration File Passwords

To ensure security, the passwords in the configuration files must be encrypted. You need to encrypt the configuration file passwords for the following: ■ Section 5.3.1, Harvester Configuration File ■ Section 5.3.2, Exchange Utility Configuration File ■ Section 5.3.3, Workflow Configuration File

5.3.1 Harvester Configuration File

To ensure security, the passwords in the harvester configuration must be encrypted. The password encryption tool,, which is distributed with Harvester allows you to encrypt the passwords that are stored in the Harvester configuration HarvesterSettings.xml file.

1. Navigate to the Harvester Home directory.

2. From a command prompt, run the password encryption tool as follows:

encrypt.bat HarvesterSettings.xml HarvesterSettings.xml where HarvesterSettings.xml = the Harvester configuration file.

5.3.2 Exchange Utility Configuration File

For enhanced security, the password encryption tool, which is packaged with the Exchange Utility kit, resides in the installation directory, and allows you to encrypt the passwords that are stored in the Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility configuration orrxu.xml file. 1. Navigate to the ExchangeUtility Tool Home directory. 2. From a command prompt, as shown in Figure 5–1 , run the password encryption tool as follows: encrypt.bat orrxu.xml orrxu.xml where: orrxu.xml = the Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility configuration file 5-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository Figure 5–1 Encrypt Password Tool Figure 5–2 describes a sample image of how the password field appears before the encryption. Figure 5–2 Example Image of Password Before Encryption Figure 5–3 describes a sample image of how the password field appears after you run the password encryption tool. Figure 5–3 Example Image of Password After Encryption

5.3.3 Workflow Configuration File

For enhanced security, the password encryption tool, which resides in the file, allows you to encrypt the passwords that are stored in the Workflow configuration workflow.xml file. 1. Navigate to the ORACLE_HOMErepositoryXXXcoretoolssolutions directory. 2. Extract the file to a directory and open a command prompt at this directory location. 3. From the command prompt, run the password encryption tool as follows: encrypt.bat workflow.xml workflow.xml where workflow.xml = the Workflow configuration file 6 Configuring and Using Automated Harvesting in Design-time and Runtime Environments 6-1 6 Configuring and Using Automated Harvesting in Design-time and Runtime Environments This chapter describes how to get started with Harvester and its use in various high level use cases. Oracle Enterprise Repository can be automatically populated with assets, metadata, and relationships. The tool used to populate Oracle Enterprise Repository is called the Harvester. The Harvester reads metadata from Oracle products and standards-based files. This includes Oracle SOA Suite, Oracle Service Bus, composites generated by Oracle BPA, and standard BPEL, WSDL, XSD, XSLT, and WS-Policy files. The Harvester automatically creates assets, populates asset metadata, and generates relationship links based on the information in the artifact files. The files can be harvested at design-time, directly from the development environment. The files can also be harvested as they are deployed to the runtime environment. The Harvester can be used from the command line, within IDEs including Oracle JDeveloper, and within Ant and the Weblogic Scripting Tool WLST. This chapter contains the following sections: ■ Section 6.1, Getting Started with Harvester ■ Section 6.2, Configuring the Harvester ■ Section 6.3, Harvesting of Artifacts

6.1 Getting Started with Harvester

This section describes how to get started with Harvester and its use in various high level use cases. This section contains the following topics: ■ Section 6.1.1, Prerequisites ■ Section 6.1.2, Harvester Functionality ■ Section 6.1.3, ArtifactsProducts Version Matrix

6.1.1 Prerequisites

Before using the Harvester, you must perform the following prerequisites: ■ Import the Harvester Solution Pack, which includes the required Asset Types and Relationships, into Oracle Enterprise Repository. Import the