Click Apply, and then click Save to save your changes. On the Enterprise Applications page, click Install. On the Preparing for the application install page, click Browse, specify the Click Next on the Select installation options page. Click Next on the M

Configuring Oracle Enterprise Repository Workflow 9-73 JNDI name : jms.alerEventingTopicCFDefault Topic name : alerEventingTopicDefault Bus name : alerbus Topic space : Default.Topic.Space

e. Click Apply, and then click Save to save your changes.

5. Deploy the aler.ear application file, as follows: a. In the navigation pane, expand Applications, and then click Enterprise Applications.

b. On the Enterprise Applications page, click Install.

c. On the Preparing for the application install page, click Browse, specify the

aler.ear file in the path, and then click Next.

d. Click Next on the Select installation options page.

e. Click Next on the Map modules to servers page.

f. On the Map resources to resource references page, click Browse in the Target

Resource JNDI Name column. g. On the Enterprise application Available resources page, select alerEventingTopicCFDefault , and then click Apply. h. Click Next in the ensuing Map resources to resource references page. i. On the Map resource environment entry references to resources page, enter jmsaleralerEventingTopicDefault in Target Resource JNDI Name and then click Next.

j. Click Finish on the Summary page.

k. After the application is installed, click Save to save it to the Master

Configuration. 6. Follow the steps in Section 9.1.2, Installing Oracle Enterprise Repository Workflow into Oracle BPM 10.3 to deploy additional files in the web-infclasses directory and the database drivers required by the Oracle Enterprise Repository application. 7. Configure the Oracle Enterprise Repository file for the WebSphere settings: a. Navigate to the Oracle_home\user_projects\applications\OER_ domain\applications\oer_11.xxxx\oer-app\WEB-INF\classes directory. b. Use a text editor to modify the file as follows: cmee.eventframework.jms.topic=jms.oerEventingTopicDefault cmee.eventframework.jndi.provider.url=iiop\:localhost:2809 cmee.eventframework.embedded.jms.enabled=false alContextFactory cmee.eventframework.jms.connection.factory=jms.oerEventingTopicCFDefault c. Save the file. 8. Restart the WebSphere application server to enable the modified settings. 9. Check the WebSphere logs for possible errors: \WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\logs\server1 9-74 Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository

9.7 Monitoring and Managing Events