Import Export and Introspection Settings

System Settings Overview 16-51

16.5.6 Import Export and Introspection Settings

This section contains the following topics: ■ Section, Import Export ■ Section, WSDL and XSD Import Export

Figure 16–77 Import Export ■ ImportExport Client – cmee.importexport.enabled – Select the True option to enable the Import Export client. ■ ImportExport job monitor max idle msecs – cmee.extframework.impexp.monitor.maxidle – The value entered in the text field represents the maximum time in msecs that an importexport job can be idle before it is automatically killed by the job monitor. ■ ImportExport job monitor max idle for Rex transactionsmsecs – cmee.extframework.impexp.monitor.rex.maxidle – The value entered in the text field represents the maximum time in msecs that a rex transaction can be idle before it is automatically killed by the job monitor. ■ ImportExport job monitor max runtime msecs – cmee.extframework.impexp.monitor.maxruntime – The value entered in the text field represents the maximum time in msecs that an importexport job can run before it is automatically killed by the job monitor. ■ ImportExport job monitor period msecs 16-52 Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository – cmee.extframework.impexp.monitor.period – The value entered in the text field represents the time in msecs between scans for the job monitor. ■ ImportExport job monitor auto cleanup msecs – cmee.extframework.impexp.monitor.autocleanup – The value entered in the text field represents the time in msecs that an importexport jobs results remain in the system before they are automatically cleaned up by the job monitor. ■ ImportExport job proxy period msecs – cmee.extframework.impexp.proxy.period – The value entered in the text field represents the time in msecs between checks by job proxies for job status on other cluster nodes. ■ ImportExport job proxy timeout msecs – cmee.extframework.impexp.proxy.timeout – The value entered in the text field represents the time in msecs before a job proxy stops monitoring status of remote jobs on other clustered nodes. ■ ImportExport audit temp file location – cmee.extframework.impexp.audit.dir – The value entered in the text field represents the directory in which temp files will be stored as they are created. These files are cleaned up after being served. WSDL and XSD

Figure 16–78 WSDL and XSD ■ Enable WSDL Introspection Element – cmee.wsdl-introspection.enabled – Select the True option to enable an asset detail plugin element that displays WSDL Summary information.

16.6 Known Issues

This section describes the issues found in Oracle Enterprise Repository system setting properties: Duplicate System Setting Properties In Oracle Enterprise Repository System Settings page, the following property names appear twice: In Server Settings, the Server Resources settings section has the following duplicate properties: