Step 3: Obtain the Oracle Enterprise Repository Workflow Installer Step 4: Configure the File

9-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository Apply the Hotfix Patch For more information about how to apply the hotfix patch for Studio or Enterprise, see the Oracle BPM Installation Guide at 01bpmdocs65installguideindex.html?t=modulesinstallationc_Updating.html Update the OBPM JVM Version For more information about how to update the OBPM JVM to 1.6 + for Studio, see 01bpmdocs65installguideindex.html?t=modulesinstallationt_Changing_Studio_ JVM.html. For more information about how to update the OBPM JVM to 1.6 + for Enterprise, see 01bpmdocs65installguideindex.html?t=modulesinstallationt_Changing_Enterprise_ JVM.html. Step 3: Obtain the Oracle Enterprise Repository Workflow Installer

Obtain the Oracle Enterprise Repository Workflow installer from the following directory within the Oracle Enterprise Repository installation location: ORACLE_ HOMErepositoryXXXcoretoolssolutions11.1.1.x.x-OBPM-Workflow-Management-Scripts .zip. Extract the zip file into the Oracle_HOMEobpm directory on the server where Oracle BPM is installed. Two directories are created from this zip file: OBPM_SetupScripts and workflow. Step 4: Configure the File

Enter the correct values for the ORACLE_HOME\obpm\OBPM_ SetupScripts\ file. Table 9–1 describes the properties listed in the files and its descriptions. Note: Use forward slash characters to separate path elements regardless of platform. The DBA user account must be specified in the setting of the file for the Ant tasks to correctly create the database schemas, which will host the Oracle Enterprise Repository Workflows. Table 9–1 File Property Values Property Description bea.home This property specifies the location of your Oracle Home directory, for example, c:oracle or optoracle. oer.uri This property specifies the URI for your Oracle Enterprise Repository installation. Also, servicesFlashlineRegistry should be present as part of the URI. fuego.basedir This property specifies the Oracle BPM installation location. For example, c:oracleobpmenterprise or optoracleobpmenterprise. Configuring Oracle Enterprise Repository Workflow 9-15 fuego.project This property specifies the Oracle BPM project location. The following value is kept unchanged, if you follow the Oracle BPM install location, as recommended: fuego.project={basedir}..workflowoer_ worlflow.fpr where {basedir} refers to the value of the fuego.basedir parameter in the file. This property is one of the Fuego directory properties FDI and the values of those are kept unchanged in the file. For example, fdi. fuego.fdi.organization This property is one of the Fuego directory properties FDI and the values of those are kept unchanged in the file. For example, fuego.fdi.organization=ORACLE. This property specifies the admin user for the Oracle BPM installation. This user account is used to access the Oracle BPM webconsole application. fuego.fdi.admin.password This property specifies the admin password for the Oracle BPM installation. Note: The admin username and password should not be the same. This property specifies the machine on which the Oracle BPM FDI directory database is to be installed. fuego.fdi.db.port This property specifies the Oracle BPM FDI database port. This property specifies the database admin user for the Oracle BPM FDI database. The installer uses this property to install the FDI schema see below. fuego.fdi.db.admin.passwor d This property specifies the database user’s password for the Oracle BPM FDI database. This property specifies the system on which the Oracle BPM process engine database is to be installed. fuego.server.db.port This property specifies the Oracle BPM process engine database port. This property specifies the database admin user for the Oracle BPM process engine database. The installer uses this property to install the FDI schema see below. fuego.server.db.admin.pass word This property specifies the database user’s password for the Oracle BPM process engine database. fuego.fdi.db.type This property specifies the database type for the Oracle BPM FDI database. Possible values are: oracle, mssqlserver, db2. fuego.fdi.db.sid This property specifies the SID for the Oracle BPM FDI database. This property is only applicable for the Oracle database type. fuego.fdi.db.schema This property specifies the database user name for the Oracle BPM FDI schema the database creates. This property is used by Oracle BPM at run time and is specific to Oracle database type. fuego.fdi.db.schema.passwo rd This property specifies the database password for the Oracle BPM FDI schema and is specific to Oracle database type. Table 9–1 Cont. File Property Values Property Description 9-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository Step 5: Configure the setenv File