Performing Optional Harvester Configuration

Configuring and Using Automated Harvesting in Design-time and Runtime Environments 6-17 To ensure security, the password must be encrypted. The password encryption tool allows you to encrypt the passwords that are stored in the Harvester configuration HarvesterSettings.xml file. For more information about password encryption, see Chapter 5, Password Encryption .

6.2.7 Performing Optional Harvester Configuration

You can optionally modify these additional configuration settings in the XML file HarvesterSettings.xml in the Harvester Home directory: ■ harvesterDescription: A description about the harvesting performed. This information is stored in the Harvester Properties of the assets created in Oracle Enterprise Repository ■ harvesterVersion: A version of the harvesting performed. This information is stored in the Harvester Properties of the assets created in Oracle Enterprise Repository. ■ namespace: A namespace that is added to abstract non-artifact Oracle Enterprise Repository assets that are created during harvesting. The namespace is used in duplicate detection. If left empty, then this is set based on information from Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Service Bus projects when available.That is, generally, the best practice, so override this with caution. ■ workDir: A temporary directory where the zip and jar files are unzipped. By default, the system temp directory is used. ■ triggerEvent: The state of the Oracle Enterprise Repository events for use by Workflow. If true, then trigger Oracle Enterprise Repository events for use by Workflow. For more information about the harvester properties, see Section A.10, Harvester Properties Matrix . Oracle Metadata Service URLs

Harvester supports reading files from Oracles MDS Metadata Service. MDS is used in SOA Suite 11g to store shared data such as SOA Suite framework schemas, shared policies, and deployed composites. Oracle MDS files are referenced through the oramds: URL protocol. Harvester contains the adf-config.xml file, which is used to configure the connection to MDS. This file can point to a local MDS store, as used for framework schemas in JDeveloper. It can also point to a remote MDS store, to access deployed composites, shared policies, and framework schemas. The adf-config.xml file that ships with harvester contains examples of both usages. For local MDS:, modify the metadata-path property in adf-config.xml and set it to match the location of your JDeveloper installation. For remote MDS:, comment the section marked file store JDev and uncomment the section marked DB store SOA Suite server in adf-config.xml. Also, modify the jdbc-url, jdbc-userid, and jdbc-password properties to point to the MDS database of your Oracle SOA Suite server. You can also harvest from command line, as mentioned in the example below: harvest.bat -file oramds:policiesoraclewsmtom_policy Oracle JDeveloper 11g is a browser-based application that allows you to view the contents in MDS. In JDeveloper, click File, New. In the New Gallery dialog, click Connections and then SOA-MDS Connection to view the MDS connections. 6-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository Alternatively, harvester can be pointed to a different adf-config.xml file, through the mdsSettingsFile element in HarvesterSettings.xml or in the Harvester ant task. For more information about configuring MDS, see Oracle ADF XML Files in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developers Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework. Classpath URLs

Harvester supports reading files from the java classpath. These files are referenced through the classpath: URL protocol. These files are located inside any jar file or directory in Harvesters classpath. For example, classpath:META-INFwsdlServiceException.wsdl.

6.2.8 Configuring Logging for the Harvester