Create a file named homepages.xml. See Add the homepages.xml file to the application classpath. The Oracle Enterprise Set the Homepage property cmee.enterprisetab.homepage to

2-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository

2.3.1 Installation

You can customize the Oracle Enterprise Repository homepage by role or by department. Perform the following steps:

1. Create a file named homepages.xml. See

Example 2–1 .

2. Add the homepages.xml file to the application classpath. The Oracle Enterprise

Repository applications WEB-INFclasses directory is recommended.

3. Set the Homepage property cmee.enterprisetab.homepage to

http:SERVERAPPcustomautoselect.jsp, where SERVER is the name of the server and APP is the context name of the Oracle Enterprise Repository Web application. Homepage selection is defined by the contents of the homepages.xml file. Example 2–1 Example homepages.xml File The following provides an example of the contents of a homepages.xml file: 1 HomepageSelector 2 select criteria=roles 3 option 4 option value=Architectarchitect.jspoption 5 option value=Developerdeveloper.jspoption 6 option value=Usergeneraluser.jspoption 7 defaultLocationhomepageDefault.jspdefaultLocation 8 select 9 HomepageSelector Note the following line numbers: ■ Lines 2: – Sets the value for criteria. Valid values are roles departments ■ Lines 3-6: – The option value is indicated by the name of the role or department used for selection. – The node value is a relative path or absolute path to the page to which the user is redirected. The path for a home page hosted on the Oracle Enterprise Repository application server is relative to the customautoselect.jsp file. In the above example, the architect.jsp file is also located in the custom directory. – Order is important. Users with multiple roles or memberships in multiple departments are directed to the first matching selection. ■ Line 7 – Identifies the default homepage for users who do not meet any of the selection criteria. Note: After configuring homepages.xml, if you encounter a 404 Not found error when redirecting to a custom jsp, then delete all the cached data in domain directoryserversserver nametmp folder, and then redeploy. Customizing Oracle Enterprise Repository 2-7

2.4 Install Oracle Enterprise Repository Solution Packs