Activating the Policy Management Feature Creating a Policy Type

14-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository about Oracle Enterprise Repository ImportExport capabilities, see Import Export Tool in Oracle Fusion Middleware Users Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository.

14.2 Activating the Policy Management Feature

To activate the policy management feature, perform the following steps: Step 1: Enable the Policy Management System Settings This procedure is performed on the Oracle Enterprise Repository Admin screen.

1. Click System Settings in the left pane.

2. Enter policy in the System Settings Search text box, as shown in Figure 14–1 . Figure 14–1 System Setting Search The Policy Management group is displayed, as shown in Figure 14–2 . Figure 14–2 Policy Management

3. Ensure the Enable Asset Policies property is set to True.

4. Use the options to make the appropriate selection for the Collapse Policy

Assertions property. ■ True sets the default Asset Detail display of assertions to collapsed. ■ False sets the default Asset Detail display of assertions to expanded.

5. Select Policy Applies To in the Asset Policy Relationship list.

6. When finished, click the Save button. Policy management features are now

activated. Step 2: Import the Policy Management Solution Pack After configuring the Policy Management system settings, the sample policy types and policy examples can be obtained by installing the from ORACLE_ Note: The settings are VISIBLE and OFF, by default, on install. The user must set the property to the correct value as described in the documentation to turn ON the feature. Configuring Policy Management 14-3 HOMErepositoryXXXcoretoolssolutions, and then using the ImportExport Tool to import them into your environment.

14.3 Creating a Policy Type

If you prefer to create your own policy instead of using the policy template in the Base Data, you can do so, which is explained in this section. A policy type template can be created using any existing asset type or compliance template type as the basis. A Policy Type is included in the Policy Management Solution Pack.

1. Click EditManage Assets in the Oracle Enterprise Repository Assets screen to

launch the Asset Editor. Figure 14–3 Assets Section

2. Open the Actions menu in the Asset Editor.

3. Click Manage Types to launch the Type Manager.

4. Open the File menu and click New. The Create New Type dialog is displayed.

5. Enter Policy in the Type Name field and select a template from the Type for

Defaults list, as shown in Figure 14–4 . Figure 14–4 Create New Type Dialog

6. Click OK.

7. Select Policy Type from the Archetype list in the Editor tab in the Type Manager.

Figure 14–5 Type Manager You have successfully created your own policy type. 14-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository

14.4 Adding the Policy Assertion Element to the Policy Type