SFID Limitations Overview Oracle Fusion Middleware Online Documentation Library

Configuring Automated Usage Detection 13-11 The absolute path to the file on the machine from which the candidate was harvested. ■ HostnameIP The hostname or IP address of the machine from which the candidate was harvested. ■ Times Seen The number of times this candidate has been viewed in this context. This metric gives an indication of the frequency of file use, which provides some indication of the value of the file in this context. ■ Source A description of the context, for example, Eclipse, Ant. The display also includes an extended set of attributes that will vary based on the context from which the candidate was harvested.

13.7 Calculating the SFID Programmatically

The ArtifactFingerprinter java library provides functionality for calculating SFID fingerprints programmatically in the client-side code. Installation Ensure that you have the components-flashtrax.jar file and it is in your java classpath for installation. Usage The com.oracle.artifact.ArtifactAlgorithm class contains several static instances, each of which encapsulates the fingerprinting algorithm for a particular type of file. The supported algorithms are ■ DEFAULT : fingerprints based on the file contents, without any transformations ■ XML : normalizes the XML contents to remove whitespace, and normalize namespace abbreviations ■ XSD : same as XML, plus inlines XSD imports and includes ■ WSDL : same as XSD, plus inlines WSDL imports and includes, removes documentation, and orders WSDL elements by name ■ WSDL_ABSTRACTING : same as WSDL, plus removes endpoint and binding information Example An example that describes calculating the SFID programmatically is as follows: ArtifactFingerprinter fp = ArtifactAlgorithm.WSDL.newFingerprinter; String sfid = fp.getFingerprintnew Filemytest.wsdl;

13.8 SFID Limitations

SFID System Limitations: ■ The file must be accessible to generate the SFID. 13-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository The client machineuser must be provided with a path URI to the file. The URI must be accessible from the client system, without the need for user intervention, such as requests for authentication information. ■ SFIDs are associated with files 1:1 which are associated with assets n:n ■ SFIDs can be added to files through the Asset Editor or through REX. ■ SFID is not supported on Oracle JDeveloper. It is supported only for VS .Net and Eclipse. Limitations of the Asset Editor SFID generation ■ An SFID can be associated only with extractable files. ■ An SFID can be generated only for files that are accessible to the client. Limitations of the ANT Integration SFID comparison ■ SFIDs can be generated for ALL accessible files for comparison. 14 Configuring Policy Management 14-1 14 Configuring Policy Management This chapter describes various aspects of policy management and how to use policies in Oracle Enterprise Repository. This chapter contains the following sections: ■ Section 14.1, Overview ■ Section 14.2, Activating the Policy Management Feature ■ Section 14.3, Creating a Policy Type ■ Section 14.4, Adding the Policy Assertion Element to the Policy Type ■ Section 14.5, Creating a Policy ■ Section 14.6, Adding the Applied Asset Policies Element to a Type ■ Section 14.7, Applying a Policy to an Asset ■ Section 14.8, Viewing Policy Status ■ Section 14.9, Validating Policy Assertions ■ Section 14.10, Running the Oracle Enterprise Repository Policy Reports

14.1 Overview

Policies are applied to assets in order to communicate asset requirements that need to be considered during design and development, and to provide administrators with the means to enforce and monitor asset compliance with governance, architecture, and other organizational standards. For example, a policy might articulate corporate quality standards, identifying the platforms that an asset should run on, and identifying acceptable defect density rates. A policy can be applied to multiple assets. Multiple policies can be applied to any asset. Each policy consists of at least one Assertion Statement: ■ Each assertion has a name and description, and includes a Technical Definition. The Technical Definition accommodates additional metadata that may be required to automatically validate the assertion using third party testing and validation tools. This metadata may be Web service-specific policy information, XML, or any other format that can be read by an external system. ■ For example, an assertion statement for Defect Density might state that defect density must be less than .1 Sample policies are included in the Oracle Enterprise Repository Base datapack and are imported into your Oracle Enterprise Repository instance. For more information 14-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository about Oracle Enterprise Repository ImportExport capabilities, see Import Export Tool in Oracle Fusion Middleware Users Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository.

14.2 Activating the Policy Management Feature