Deploy Oracle Enterprise Repository Pre-configured BI Publisher Content

15 Configuring BI Publisher Enterprise Server 15-1 15 Configuring BI Publisher Enterprise Server Oracle Enterprise Repository is the entry point for all the reports. However, to host the reports, you must use the Business Intelligence BI Publisher. You must configure the BI Publisher and Oracle Enterprise Repository to interact with each other. For more information about installing and configuring BI Publisher, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence. This chapter describes how to configure the Business Intelligence BI Publisher. This chapter contains the following sections: ■ Section 15.1, Deploy Oracle Enterprise Repository Pre-configured BI Publisher Content ■ Section 15.2, Define Security Model ■ Section 15.3, Configuring the Oracle Enterprise Repository JDBC Data Source ■ Section 15.4, Configuring the BI Publisher Server - Cache Expiration ■ Section 15.5, Validating the Installation and Configuration of BI Publisher ■ Section 15.6, Configuring the Oracle Enterprise Repository System Settings to Enable Reporting ■ Section 15.7, Configuring the Oracle Enterprise Repository System Settings to Allow Authenication Proxying

15.1 Deploy Oracle Enterprise Repository Pre-configured BI Publisher Content

There is a collection of pre-configured BI Publisher content, which includes a full BI Publisher repository and is specially developed for Oracle Enterprise Repository. It contains a set of seeded BI Publisher based reports for Oracle Enterprise Repository along with a set of BI Publisher sample reports. You can deploy these Oracle Enterprise Repository-BI Publisher repository reports so that it can be integrated with your Oracle Enterprise Repository instance. There are three sets of the BI Publisher content depending on which database is used as your Oracle Enterprise Repository database. BI Publisher uses a repository internal to BI Publisher to host the users, roles, reports, and configuration for BI Publisher. This repository is replaced by the BI Publisher Note: These instructions assume that a BI Publisher is installed, which is dedicated only for hosting the Oracle Enterprise Repository reports. 15-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository content which has been specifically developed for the integration with Oracle Enterprise Repository. To deploy the Oracle Enterprise Repository-BI Publisher content, perform the following steps: 1. Stop OC4J Server. 2. Find a packaged content archive for your database. You can find the reports in the Oracle Enterprise Repository Deployment in the ORACLE_ HOMErepositoryXXXcoretoolssolutionsreports directory. You will find three zip files, each of which contains a set of the reports prepared for each of the Oracle Enterprise Repository Deployment database types. The .zip file contains the following reports and requires configuration to make the Data Source for the reports in BI Publisher match the Data Source for the Oracle Enterprise Repository Deployment: ■ ■ ■ 3. Copy the appropriate Oracle Enterprise Repository-BI Content .zip file to the server with BI Publisher installed. Copy it into a temporary directory on that server. 4. Extract the contents of the OER-BI Content zip file. Once you find the reports package for your database, you can unzip the above reports package file. 5. Register the Oracle Enterprise Repository-BI Publisher content as the BI Publisher repository. You can register the Oracle Enterprise Repository-BI Publisher repository as your BI Publisher Servers repository by following these steps: a. Backup the a BI Publisher Server configuration file, which can be found at application installationWEB-INF directory, where your application server unpacked the war or ear file. For example paths were constructed by using the built-in OCJ4 with BI Publisher: In an OC4J 10.1.3 deployment, the location is ORACLE_HOMEoc4j_ bij2eehomeapplicationsxmlpserverxmlpserverWEB-INFxmlp-server-config.xml b. Open the BI Publisher Server Configuration file. If you are using BI Publisher version or later, the file contains the following: ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? xmlpConfig resource file path={oracle.home}xmlpXMLP resource xmlpConfig c. Replace {oracle.home}xdorepository with file path to the location where you copied the XMLP repository directory on your server. For example, if you copied the Oracle Enterprise Repository-BI Publisher repository directory to homeBIPOER_BIP_ContentXMLP, update the xmlp-server-config.xml file as follows: ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? xmlpConfig resource Configuring BI Publisher Enterprise Server 15-3 file path=homeBIPOER_BIP_ContentXMLP resource xmlpConfig

d. Save xmlp-server-config.xml after updating.