Configuring Oracle Enterprise Repository Categorizations in the UDDI Mappings File Understanding the Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility’s Property File

Configuring Oracle Enterprise Repository to Exchange Metadata with the Oracle Service Registry 10-11 has to be exact, the wild card is supported only for Services and not for Business Entities. Setting the Source Registry

The sourceRegistry element tells the registry where the Services are picked and placed in Oracle Enterprise Repository. This registry is used when Services are picked from Oracle Service Registry and they move to Oracle Enterprise Repository for example, Oracle Service Registry Oracle Enterprise Repository. sourceRegistryosrsourceRegistry

10.2.4 Configuring Oracle Enterprise Repository Categorizations in the UDDI Mappings File

Prior to publishing assets to Oracle Service Registry, Oracle Enterprise Repository Categorizations are mapped in the UDDI Mappings file, UDDIMappings.xml, which is stored in the ExchangeUtility Tool Home directory, as shown in the following XML snippet: uddi:uddiSettings xmlns:uddi=http:www.bea.comalerintegrationconfiguddi categorizationMappings categorizationType alerCategorizationTypeName=AssetLifecycleStage alerCategorizationTypeId=112 categorization alerCategorization=Stage 1 - Propose uddiKeyName=Stage 1 - Propose uddiKeyValue=Stage 1 - Propose categorization alerCategorization=Stage 2 - Plan uddiKeyName=Stage 2 - Plan uddiKeyValue=Stage 2 - Plan categorization alerCategorization=Stage 3 - Build uddiKeyName=Stage 3 - Build uddiKeyValue=Stage 3 - Build categorization alerCategorization=Stage 4 - Release uddiKeyName=Stage 4 - Release uddiKeyValue=Stage 4 - Release categorization alerCategorization=Stage 5 - Target For Retirement uddiKeyName=Stage 5 - Target For Retirement uddiKeyValue=Stage 5 - Target For Retirement categorization alerCategorization=Stage 6 - Retirement uddiKeyName=Stage 6 - Retirement uddiKeyValue=Stage 6 - Retirement An Oracle Enterprise Repository Categorization is honored in Oracle Service Registry only if a corresponding mapping is present in the UDDI Mappings file; otherwise, the Categorization will simply be ignored. Therefore, if a new asset Categorization is created in Oracle Enterprise Repository, you must regenerate the UDDI Mappings file for that Categorization to be honored in Oracle Service Registry.

10.2.5 Configuring the tModelKey UDDI Setting

This section describes the steps to configure the tModelKey UDDI setting when creating a new categorization type in Oracle Enterprise Repository. Some Oracle Service Registry published services contain extra metadata in the form of Categorizations that need to be pulled into Oracle Enterprise Repository. This allows you to create custom categorization types in Oracle Enterprise Repository and bind them to these custom categorizations. WARNING: If both Business Entity query and Service query are specified, the Business Entity query will override the Service query. 10-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility now allows binding Oracle Service Registry custom categorizations with Oracle Enterprise Repository custom categorizations by using the tModel Key v3 option when creating a categorization type in Oracle Enterprise Repository, as shown in Figure 10–1 . The key entered in this field must be the tModel Key of the associated Oracle Service Registry categorization. Figure 10–1 The Edit Categorization Dialog The steps to configure the tModelKey UDDI setting are as follows:

1. In the Asset Editor window, select Actions, and then Configure Categorizations.

The Configure Categorization dialog is displayed. This creates custom categorization types that mirror Oracle Service Registry categorizations.

2. Click Add to add a categorization. The Add Categorization dialog is displayed.

For example, add the AIA-LifeCylceStatus categorization. 3. Enter the values in the Add Categorization dialog, as shown in Figure 10–2 . Note: The tModel Key v3 field is set to, which is exactly what is in the Oracle Service Registry service category’s tModel key. Configuring Oracle Enterprise Repository to Exchange Metadata with the Oracle Service Registry 10-13 Figure 10–2 The Add Categorization Dialog

4. Select AIA-LifeCycleStatus in the pane below the tModel Key v3 field, and then

click Add. The Add Categorization dialog is displayed. 5. Enter Active in the Name field, as shown in Figure 10–3 . Figure 10–3 The Add Categorization Dialog

6. Click OK.

7. Similarly, add the following values for the categorization: Deprecated, Obsolete, and Planned, as shown in Figure 10–4 . 10-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository Figure 10–4 The Add Categorization Dialog

8. Click OK.

9. In the Asset Editor window, click Actions, Manage Types. The Type Manager

window is displayed.

10. Select the Service asset type. The Service asset type details are displayed in the

right pane.

11. In the Tabs pane, select Taxonomy. The corresponding elements for the Taxonomy

are displayed in the Elements pane.

12. Click the Add button adjacent to the Elements pane. The Select an Element Type to

Add dialog is displayed.

13. Select Categorization: AIA-LifeCycleStatus from the Element Type list, as shown

in Figure 10–5 . Configuring Oracle Enterprise Repository to Exchange Metadata with the Oracle Service Registry 10-15 Figure 10–5 The Select An Element Type to Add Dialog

14. Click OK. The Edit Categorization: AIA-LifeCycleStatus dialog is displayed.

15. Click OK.

16. Click the Viewer tab.

17. In the Hidden Elements pane, select AIA-LifeCycleStatus and click Display In

Group . The Move Element dialog is displayed.

18. Select Taxonomy in the Move AIA-LifeCycleStatus to field, as shown in

Figure 10–6 . Figure 10–6 The Move Element to Dialog

19. In the Exchange Utility tool, generate the UDDIMappings.xml file. Specify the

connection information to the Oracle Enterprise Repository instance in the orrxu.xml file.

20. From the Exchange Utility tool, install orrxu.bat -map.

21. Verify that the UDDIMappings.xml file contains the newly created Oracle

Enterprise Repository categorization: Figure 10–7 UDDIMappings.xml File When Oracle Service Registry services are received into Oracle Enterprise Repository, the Oracle Enterprise Repository service asset now has this categorization value set and is visible in the Oracle Enterprise Repository web UI.

10.2.6 Understanding the Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility’s Property File

This section describes the properties in the Property file,, file that is stored in the ExchangeUtility Tool Home directory. Some properties already 10-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository exist in the Oracle Enterprise Repository System Settings and some of the properties are new for the Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility. ■ cmee.uddi.service.endpoint.relationship=Deployment-Deployed - relationship between Service and Endpoint. ■ - Business Entity - Business Entity asset type. ■ cmee.import.uddi.accesspoint.assettype=Endpoint - Endpoint asset type. ■ cmee.import.uddi.artifactwsdl.relationship=Sync-Defines - relationship between Service and WSDL artifact. ■ cmee.import.uddi.receiver.batch.size=100 - Only when receiving from Oracle Service Registry, this determines the batch size. ■ cmee.import.uddi.publish.ifendpointmissing : By default, if a service in Oracle Enterprise Repository does not have one or more endpoints or the existing endpoints have invalid access points, then Exchange Utility will not publish it. If this setting is set to true, then services with no endpoints are published to the Oracle Service Registry. ■ - relationship between Service and Business Entity asset types. ■ cmee.import.uddi.service.assettype=Service - Service asset type. ■ UDDI Node - only when publishing services to Oracle Service Registry, when the asset is not linked to a Business Entity. For more information about other Oracle Enterprise Repository System Settings, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Users Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository.

10.3 Using the Oracle Enterprise Repository Exchange Utility

This section describes how you can use the Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility to synchornize metadata and search for exchanged metadata in Oracle Enterprise Repository. This section contains the following topics: ■ Section 10.3.1, Running the Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility ■ Section 10.3.2, How the Exchanged Metadata Is Synchronized ■ Section 10.3.3, Searching for Oracle Service Registry Exchanged Metadata in Oracle Enterprise Repository ■ Section 10.3.4, Checking the Oracle Registry Repository Exchange Utility Log File ■ Section 10.3.5, Known Issues Caution: The following properties will only be used if the corresponding property is not set in the Oracle Enterprise Repository System Settings. If the Oracle Enterprise Repository System Settings property is configured, that setting will override the property in the file.