Score of Reading Comprehension by using Conventional Method

Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups. a. Design: Intercept + A + B + A B The hypotheses for homogeneity test were set as follows: H : Data comes from homogenous population H 1 : Data comes from non-homogenous population The criteria were set as follows: If the Sig value Levene’s test 0.05 means that H is accepted and H 1 is automatically rejected. On the contrary, the Sig value Leven e‟s test 0.05 means that H 1 is accepted and H is automatically rejected. Refer to table 4.3 above, it can be seen that the Sig p value for reading comprehension was 0.026. It means that p value is smaller than 0.05. It means that H 1 is accepted and H is automatically rejected, which implies that data comes from non-homogenous population. Even though came from non-homogeny variance, the data can be processed by using contrast test in Anova Multi-factor t- test that can be treated for both homogeny and non- homogeny variance Agung, 2004, p.19. According to both normality test and homogeneity test revealed above, it can be concluded that the prerequisite test which are needed before processing the data by using ANOVA test are already fulfilled. 3. The Testing of Hypotheses Hypothesis testing was intended to determine the proposed null hypotheses H tested at a certain significance level. Two way ANOVA analysis was performed and, because in this study to be obtained was how much influence that occurs between the two independent variables and the dependent variable. Hypothesis testing was done consecutively, starting from the first hypothesis, The Directed Reading Thinking Activity was more effective than Conventional method toward reading comprehension, the second hypothesis was the students who have high reading interest have better reading comprehension than those who have low reading interest, the third hypothesis was there was interactional effect between teaching method and reading interest toward reading comprehension. The analysis of reading comprehension variable is performed by using two tailed ANOVA test, with the assistance of SPSS version 20 for windows. The result of ANOVA test then continued to extended test to find out the level of significance among groups significantly simple effect. In other words, the extended test was performed to find out which group contributes more to be students‟ reading comprehension according to the teaching method and the level of reading interest. The computation of data analysis by using ANOVA test can be seen on the Table 4.12 below: Table 4.12 ANOVA Test 2 x 2 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Reading Comprehension Y Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 178.047 a 3 59.349 2.656 .056 Intercept 359850.016 1 359850.016 16101.422 .000 A 31.641 1 31.641 1.416 .239 B 17.016 1 17.016 .761 .386 A B 129.391 1 129.391 5.790 .019 Error 1340.938 60 22.349 Total 361369.000 64 Corrected Total 1518.984 63 a. R Squared = .117 Adjusted R Squared = .073 Further, contrast test with t-test statistic was presented below: Table 4.13. Contrast Tests Contrast Value of Contrast Std. Error t df Sig. 2- tailed Y Assume equal variances 1 4.25 1.671 2.543 60 .014 2 1.44 1.671 .860 60 .393 Does not assume equal variances 1 4.25 2.055 2.068 29.823 .047 2 1.44 1.168 1.231 21.763 .232

1. Testing the first hypotheses

“The students‟ reading comprehension that is taught by DRTA method is higher than those who ar e taught by conventional method” H o :  10 ≤  20 H 1 :  10  20