Testing the second hypotheses Testing the third hypotheses

to represents an easy way and faster for the students into identify the ideas and information in the text. This strategy can help the students comprehend of the text especially for high reading interest students. 3. Students with high reading interest who are taught by DRTA method is higher than those who are taught by conventional method. Based on analysis result in Table 4.13 above, it was obtained the value of t-test, it was t A1B1xA2B1 = 2.068 and p-value = 0.0472 = 0.024 0.05. It means that H was rejected. In other words, students‟ reading comprehension who were taught by DRTA was higher than those who were taught by Conventional method for students who had high reading interest. It can be concluded that DRTA method was more effective than Conventional method primarily for students with high reading interest. 4. Students with low reading interest who are taught by DRTA method is lower than those who are taught by conventional method. Based on analysis result in Table 4.13 above, it was obtained the value of t-test, it was t A1B1xA2B1 = 1.231 and p-value = 0.2322 = 0.116 0.05. It means that H was automatically accepted. In other words, there was no significant difference of students‟ reading comprehension who were taught by DRTA method and those who were taught by Conventional method for students who had low reading interest. It can be said that for students with low reading interest, there was no influence of teaching method both students who were taught by DRTA and those who were taught by conventional method toward students‟ reading comprehension. 75


A. Conclusion

Based on the result of hypothesis testing and data analysis in chapter four, it can be summed up as follows: The first, there was no significant difference of reading comprehension between students who were taught by DRTA and those who were taught by Conventional method. In other words, the students‟ reading comprehension was not influenced by the use of teaching method. The second , there were interactional effects of teaching method DRTA and Conventio nal and reading interest toward students‟ reading comprehension. In other words, the students‟ reading comprehension was influenced by the use of teaching method depend on the level of students‟ interest. In fact, students with high reading interest is more effective to use DRTA method while students with low reading interest is better to use Conventional method. The third , there was significant effect of s tudents‟ reading comprehension who were taught by DRTA was higher than those who were taught by Conventional method for students who had high reading interest. It can be concluded that DRTA method was more effective than Conventional method primarily for students with high reading interest. The last , t here was no significant difference of students‟ reading comprehension who were taught by DRTA method and those who were taught by Conventional method for students who had low reading interest. It can be said that for students with low reading interest, there was no influence of teaching method both students who were taught by DRTA and those who were taught by conventional method toward students‟ reading comprehension. B. Suggestion Based on the conclusion of the study, some suggestions related to the researcher to convey in this study are: Firstly, for the teachers, based on the data obtained, the result of students‟ reading comprehension that are taught by using DRTA method is higher than those who are taught by using conventional teaching method. Thus Directed Reading Thinking Activity DRTA method can be applied in the eighth grade students of junior high school. Therefore, English teachers should multiply the theoretical knowledge of Directed Reading Thinking Activity and practice in teaching learning activity so that the students will be easy to comprehend the text.