Homogeneity Test The Prerequisite Test for Data Analysis

prediction and coming conclusion. The students will survey the text to be read, make prediction and justify their prediction. In teaching learning activities, Directed Reading Thinking Activity DRTA strategy encourages reader students to be actively involved in the constructions of meaning. It‟s mean that through student‟s predictions in the text to make their active in reading. Besides, Directed Reading Thinking Activity DRTA used to make students actively read the text, carefully examine and remain engaged in reading by student‟s prediction for the text and constructions of meaning the text. So, the teacher can designed this activity as creative as possible to make student enjoy in the learning process. Based on the data obtained, the result shows that the score of students‟ reading comprehension taught by DRTA method experimental class was higher that the score of students‟ reading comprehension in Conventional method control class. Interest is one of motivational variables which can be defined as high heart ability toward anything. Interest is relatively nature permanent in one self. Interest is having very big influence toward someone activity because with interest heshe will to do anything what he or she is interested. In turn, without interest someone is impossible to do anything . Reading behavior and interest are obtained skill after someone born. So, reading behavior and interest can be fertilized, build, and developed. With reading interest will be obtained a result, information, meaning, skill knowledge, motivation or fact as a served by reading matter. The substance has been red very useful for reader self development, family and wider community. Beside it, from reader result will also built a value at time attitude, objective attitude in discuss a problem, make important fact or information, and others. Reading interest building is needed to do early starting from family, school surroundings and further in community surrounding. Thus, it can be stated that reading interest can influence students‟ achievement in learning, in this case reading comprehension. Speaking about reading, the first thing should be noted is the definition of reading itself. Reading is a process of learning that done by someone with the purpose of grasping information. The reading activity begins when a reader tries to understand the meaning of the transferred message. By reading we can get much information. And then, reading also increase our knowledge. In addition, the target of teaching reading at Junior High School based on school curriculum KTSP 2006 is to make students able to comprehend the meanings of short functional text. As source of learning, reading can establish learn about the text such as learn about new vocabulary and grammar. It can encourage the readers to learn more with their language study, and it can be a way to have knowledge. So, as the readers that have skill and fluency in reading, their enjoyment can increase. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that reading is thinking and understandingcomprehend process to attain the meaning from the written text. Speaking about reading comprehension, the important thing is comprehension. Comprehension is a term which is directly related to the ability of the readers to understand the passage and it involves thinking. As a result, higher level of comprehension would obviously include higher level of thinking. It is pointed out that comprehension is a process that requires the translation of written language into a form that is useful by readers‟ cognitive system. It requires the integration of that information into the network of existing knowledge stored in the reader‟s long-term memory system. Moreover, it is stated that comprehension is the process of getting meaning from a page. It was viewed that the students can master reading if they comprehend the text they read or vice versa. Based on findings and supported by statistical analysis for the research about the stude nts‟ reading comprehension, it was proven that data comes from the population which was distributed normally but came from non- homogenous variances. Then the data was processed to test about the hypotheses. From the testing of hypotheses, it was gained that: 1. The students‟ reading comprehension that is taught by DRTA method is higher than those who are taught by conventional method. Based on analysis result in table 4.12 above, it was obtained if the value of Sig 0.05, it means that H is accepted and H 1 is automatically rejected. On the other hand, if the value of Sig 0.05 it means that H is rejected and H 1 is automatically accepted. The computation performed by using SPSS version 20 for windows was found that the value of Sig for teaching method was 0.239 0.05 and F observed 1.416 F table 2.77. It can be concluded that there was no significant difference of reading comprehension between students who were taught by DRTA and those who were taught by Conventional method. In other words, the students‟ reading comprehension was not influenced by the use of teaching method DRTA and Conventional are similar without considering the students‟ interest. Thus, interest was one of important variable in reading comprehension. This finding was relevant with study was done by Kirby et, al in 2011 about factor of interest toward reading ability. The result showed that the higher interest that the students have, the higher the ability the students will be. Operationally, reading comprehension is measured through an objective test multiple choice tests and through the test, students had to answer the questions based on the level of comprehension they have. Refer to the theoretical review mentioned above; the students‟ reading comprehension is influenced by the teaching method used in classroom activity in this case DRTA. Based on statistical data obtained, it can be concluded that teaching method DRTA brings effect to the achievement of students‟ reading comprehension significantly. 2. There are interaction effect between teaching method and reading interest toward students‟ reading comprehension. Based on analysis result in Table 4.12 above, if the value of Sig 0.05 , it means that H is accepted and H 1 is automatically rejected. On the other hand, if the value of Sig 0.05 it means that H is rejected and H 1 is automatically accepted. The computation performed by using SPSS version 20 for windows it was found that the value of Sig for teaching method was 0.019 0.05 and F observed 5.790 F table 2.77. It can be concluded that there were interactional effects of teaching method DRTA and Conventional and reading interest toward students‟ reading comprehension depend on the level of students‟ interest. In other words, the students‟ reading comprehension is influenced by the use of teaching method and the ability of reading interest as well. Refer to ANOVA test, the interaction between teaching methods and reading interest toward s students‟ reading comprehension is significant. This finding was relevant with study was done by Kathleen C. Stevens from Northeastern Illinois University, it was found that that interest had an effect on reading comprehension only for the high ability group. Operationally, reading comprehension is measured through an objective test multiple choice tests and through the test, students had to answer the questions based on the level of comprehension they have. Refer to the theoretical review mentioned above; th e students‟ reading comprehension is influenced by teaching method used in classroom DRTA and the reading interest. Based on quantitative data obtained, it can be concluded that both teaching method DRTA and reading interest bring effects to the achiev ement of students‟ reading comprehension significantly. Students with high reading interest who are taught by DRTA method is higher than those who are taught by conventional method”. Based on analysis result in table 4.13 above, it was obtained the value of t-test, it was t A1B1xA2B1 = 2.068 and p-value = 0,0472 = 0,024 0,05. It means that H was rejected. In other words, students‟ reading comprehension who were taught by DRTA was higher than those who were taught by Conventional method for students who had high reading interest. It can be concluded that DRTA method was more effective than Conventional method primarily for students with high reading interest. This finding was supported by Titi Asni Miarti from STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat, her findings found the combination of DRTA Strategy and Storytelling Strategy is a reading strategy