Conceptual definition The Reliability of Instrument

48 n : item score According to Sudjono 2001, the criteria of instrument reliability r 11 was stated as follow:  If r 11 was equal or higher than 0.7, it meant that the instrument was reliable.  If r 11 was lower than 0.7, it meant that the instrument was unreliable. Based on trying out reading interest instrument which had been done to 35 participants, there were 30 items of reading comprehension test were valid and reliable with reliability 0.919 0.7. It could be concluded that the test of instrument in this study was reliable. See appendix 2

H. Data Analysis Techniques

1. Descriptive Statistic

In this descriptive analysis is meant to get a general overview of the study result. The data obtained will be presented in the amount of descriptive statistics such as the average mean, the median, the highest frequency mode, standard deviation standard deviation. 2. Test Data Analysis Requirement Data analysis was conducted using a method of quantitative or statistical methods. Data analysis techniques used in this study is ANOVA 2 two ways or two-dimensional analysis of variance. Setiadi 2006 stated that two ways ANOVA is used where there are two independent variables to compare in which both variables has two or more levels. Before the ANOVA carried out, first tested with the data requirements of normality and homogeneity. a. Normality test Normality test of data research is performed on six group data: 1 teaching method, 2 reading habit, 3 high readi ng habit students‟ reading comprehension resulting from DRTA method, 4 low reading habit students‟ reading comprehension resulting from DRTA method, 5 high reading habit students‟ reading comprehension resulting from conventional method, and 6 low reading habit students‟ reading comprehension resulting from conventional method. Normality test is done by using the Kolgorov-Smirnov test Suparman, 2012. Data that is considered normal if the price F observed F table t ested with a significance level α= 0.05. as for linear data if F observed F table tested with a significance level 2=0.05