The Technique of Collecting Data

43 Table 3.6 Validity Test Item r-count r-table Status 1 0.080 0.334 Drop 2 0.366 0.334 Valid 3 0.440 0.334 Valid 4 0.520 0.334 Valid 5 0.591 0.334 Valid 6 0.484 0.334 Valid 7 0.378 0.334 Valid 8 0.063 0.334 Drop 9 0.431 0.334 Valid 10 0.415 0.334 Valid 11 -0.220 0.334 Drop 12 0.537 0.334 Valid 13 0.507 0.334 Valid 14 0.347 0.334 Valid 15 0.364 0.334 Valid 16 0.759 0.334 Valid 17 0.731 0.334 Valid 18 0.530 0.334 Valid 19 0.654 0.334 Valid 20 0.450 0.334 Valid 21 0.428 0.334 Valid 22 0.604 0.334 Valid 23 0.538 0.334 Valid 24 0.595 0.334 Valid 25 0.490 0.334 Valid 26 0.403 0.334 Valid 27 0.083 0.334 Drop 28 -0.041 0.334 Drop Based on the table above, it can be seen that there were 5 numbers of item which were invalid, number 1, 8, 11, 27, and 28 see appendix 1.

2. The Reliability of Instrument

Reliability test conducted to determine the consistency of the interval among the variables and instruments. The point about item tested was matter which valid. Looking for reliability interval method 44 used was Cronbach Alpha method, which analyzed the reliability of this method of measuring instruments from on measurement.         2 2 11 1 1 t i n n r   Keterangan : r 11 : Reliability score  i 2 : total variance score  t 2 : total variance n : item score According to Sudjono 2001, the criteria of instrument reliability r 11 was stated as follow:  If r 11 was equal or higher than 0.7, it means that the instrument was reliable.  If r 11 was lower than 0.7, it means that the instrument was unreliable. Based on trying out reading interest instrument which had been done to 35 participants, there were 23 statements of reading interest questionnaire valid and reliable with reliability 0.865 0.7. It could be concluded that the test of instrument in this study was reliable. See appendix 1 2 Instrument for reading comprehension

a. Conceptual definition

Reading comprehension was a process to gain the meaning which actively involved knowledge and experience possessed by readers, connected to the content of the passage. There were three things in reading comprehension: 1 knowledge and experience about certain topic, 2 link back the knowledge and experience to the passage which will be read, 3 the process to gain the meaning actively according to view heshe possesses.

b. Operational definition

Operationally, reading comprehension was measured through a score gained by the student from objective test, consist of: 1 comprehension in answering the questions given, 2 finding out the main idea of the passage, 3 pointing out the reference, 4 implying the content of the passage. The objective test was a sub-set of test with multiple choices given option A, B, C, and D. It meant one correct answer, while the others were to be the distracters. The correct answer would be graded 1, and the wrong answer would be graded 0. Total items of the instrument were 30 items. It brings consequence that the lowest score will be 0, while the highest score will be 30.