The Data Description Findings

3. Score of Reading Comprehension with High Reading Interest B1.

Table 4.4 Frequency Table of Reading Comprehension with High Reading Interest Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 63 1 2.5 3.1 3.1 67 1 2.5 3.1 6.3 70 5 12.5 15.6 21.9 73 11 27.5 34.4 56.3 76 4 10.0 12.5 68.8 80 5 12.5 15.6 84.4 83 3 7.5 9.4 93.8 87 1 2.5 3.1 96.9 93 1 2.5 3.1 100.0 Total 32 80.0 100.0 Missing System 8 20.0 Total 40 100.0 Scoring the data for reading comprehension is done by using instrument with objective test multiple choice tests and the total items provided are 30 questions. For each question, the correct answer will be graded 1 and the incorrect answer will be graded 0. Hence, the maximum score will be 30, while minimum score will be 0. Respondents for experimental group are 40 students, possessed high reading interest. The empiric score stated that the highest score was 93, the lowest score was 63. Furthermore, mean was 75.50, median was 74.40, mode is 73, standard of deviation was 6.112 and variance was 37.355. The complete result gained from calculation can be seen below The mean 75.5 indicated that the average score for the students is relatively fair. The standard of deviation 6.112 indicated that the answers given by students with high reading interest are relatively the same. To make it clear, we can see the display of histogram and polygon presented below:

4. Score of Reading Comprehension with Low Reading Interest B2.

Table 4.5 Frequency Table of Reading Comprehension with Low Reading Interest Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 70 5 12.5 15.6 15.6 73 14 35.0 43.8 59.4 76 8 20.0 25.0 84.4 80 4 10.0 12.5 96.9 83 1 2.5 3.1 100.0 Total 32 80.0 100.0 Missing System 8 20.0 Total 40 100.0 Scoring the data for reading comprehension was done by using instrument with objective test multiple choice tests and the total items provided were 30 questions. For each question, the correct answer will be graded 1 and the incorrect answer will be graded 0. Hence, the maximum score will be 30, while minimum score will be 0. Respondents for experimental group were 40 students, possessed low reading interest. The empiric score stated that the highest score was 83, the lowest score is 70. Furthermore, mean was 74.47, median was 74.09, mode was 73, standard of deviation was 3.331 and variance was 11.096. The complete result gained from calculation can be seen below. The mean 74.47 indicated that the average score for the students was relatively good. The standard of deviation 3.331 indicated that the answers given by students with high reading interest are relatively the same. To make it clear, we can see the display of histogram and polygon presented below:

5. Score of Reading Comprehension by Using DRTA Method with

High Reading Interest A1B1. Table 4.6 Frequency Table of Reading Comprehension by Using DRTA Method with High Reading Interest Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 70 1 2.5 6.3 6.3 73 5 12.5 31.3 37.5 76 4 10.0 25.0 62.5 80 3 7.5 18.8 81.3 83 1 2.5 6.3 87.5 87 1 2.5 6.3 93.8 93 1 2.5 6.3 100.0 Total 16 40.0 100.0 Missing System 24 60.0 Total 40 100.0 Scoring the data for reading comprehension was done by using instrument with objective test multiple choice tests and the total items provided were 30 questions. For each question, the correct answer will be graded 1 and the incorrect answer will be graded 0. Hence, the maximum score will be 30, while minimum score will be 0. Respondents treated by DRTA method with high reading interest were 40 students. The empiric score stated that the highest score was 93, the lowest score was 70. Furthermore, mean was 77.63, median was 76.00, mode is 73, standard of deviation was 6.032 and variance was 36.383. The complete result gained from calculation can be seen below. The mean 77.63 indicated that the average score for the students was relatively good. The standard of deviation 6.032 indicated that the answers given by students using DRTA method with high reading interest are relatively the same. To make it clear, we can see the display of histogram and polygon presented below: 6. Score of Reading Comprehension by Using DRTA Method with Low Reading Interest A1B2. Table 4.7 Frequency Table of Reading Comprehension by Using DRTA Method with Low Reading Interest Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 70 2 5.0 12.5 12.5 73 8 20.0 50.0 62.5 76 6 15.0 37.5 100.0 Total 16 40.0 100.0 Missing System 24 60.0 Total 40 100.0