Concept of Research Hypothesis Research Design Research Procedure

23 Land use existing Planning of the changes land use Scenarios Simulation AYUNG WATERSEHD CONDITION Figure 2.1 Thinking Framework

2.2 Concept of Research

The concept study started from: a Assessments to the field to determine the location of the research, b Compilation of watershed maps, DEM maps, maps of soil type, slope maps and land use maps to obtain the map respo hydrological unit Urh, c Collect the soil samples to the field, d Analysis of soil physical and chemical properties in the laboratory, e Analysis of the data for discharge, erosion, farmer’s income and the income of farmers and relationships erosion rates. The concept of such research can be detailed flowchart in Figure 2.2 Farmers Incomes statistic descriptive discharge SWAT Erosion USLE 24 Figure 2.2 Consept Research Ayung Watershed Condition Determination of Location Preliminary Study to the field surveys Research Compilation of Map Secundary Data 1. Map of Watershed 2. Map of DEM 3. Map of Soil Types, 4. Map of the Slopes, 5. Map Land Use Map of HRU Determination of sample points Analyzing 1 Discharge Secondary data: 1. Climate 2. The pattern of land use 3. Plants Vegetation 4. Land management Methods: 1. SWAT Scenarios simulation Planing of Land Use Change Discharge Novelty 3. Statistic of descriptive Farmer Income 2. Erosion 2. USLE Erosion Result 25

2.3 Hypothesis

1. The coefficient of river regime is greater than one. 2. The highest erosion rates in the upstream and downstream erosion lowest in the Ayung River Basin. 3. The income of farmers in the upper Ayung watersheds igher than in the middle and downstream. 4. Land use change can improve discharge and erosion rates in the Ayung watersehd. III. RESEARCH METHODS

3.1 Research Design

The design of the research using a combined approach of quantitative and qualitative descriptive. The research was conducted by using primary data to the field survey and secondary data from relevant agencies.

3.2 Research Procedure

Research procedures are as follows: 1. The collection of primary data field observation based on soil characteristics and the characteristics of the river, and secondary data agencies. 2. Compile some maps, uniformity of soil type, slope and land-use class is classified into one unit of land or Hydrological Response Unit HRU, the upstream watershed 23 samples, and central part watersehd of 10 samples, and the downstream watershed 7 samples, in order to get 40 samples. Map Sub- watershed and Soil Sampling Point presented in Figure 3.1. 3. Analysis of soil physical and chemical properties of soil in the Laboratory of Soil and Environmental of Study origram of Agroecotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Udayana in Denpasar. 26 Figure 3.1 Sub-watershed map and Point Sampling in Ayung Watershed 4. Farming analyzed based on the results of a questionnaire given to respondents farmers, and farmers who are married preferably by 77 respondents. 5. Perform simulated by changing land use to determine discharge and erosion rates in the Ayung watersehd. 6. Procedures of research presented in the flow chart Figure 3.2 27 Figure 3.2 Procedure of the Research 28

3.3 Method of Data Analysis