Hydrology of Watershed Dr. Ir. Bambang Hermiyanto, MP


3.3 Method of Data Analysis

Data were analyzed with a SWAT model for discharge, USLE method to determine the level of erosion. Farmers income were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation erosion and farmers income by Spearman Rank. .


4.1 Hydrology of Watershed

Hydrological watershed is affected by rainfall especially rain transformation process into the discharge. The rain that falls in a watershed will change to flow in the river, so there is a relationship between rainfall and flow rate, which depends on the characteristics of the watershed. 4.1.1 River discharge SWAT model analysis results of water discharge in the river watershed between the rainy season and the dry season is different, namely the average maximum discharge of 9.37 m 3 s -1 and the average minimum flow of 2.92 m 3 det -1 with the river regime coefficient of 3.20 This is caused by the ability of the watershed ecosystem, especially in the upper watershed in the governance Ayung water began to decline due to changes in land use and do not apply the rules of soil and water conservation. Discharge as the output of hydrological processes can be used as an indicator to assess the quality of land use in a watershed. The results of the above analysis suggests that the rainfall that caused the discharge of high fluctuation, due to a change in land use from upstream to downstream watersheds, so that a watershed 29 ecosystem malfunction as well. The rain that falls all become runoff due to land cover changes, the plant canopy or canopy covering the less surface of the soil tightly so that there is open ground level. The kinetic energy of rainfall that fell nothing dampen due to the lack of ground cover, rainfall on the ground all becomes runoff, then get into water bodies causing great river discharge during the rainy season and small in the dry season. That is not capable of watershed functions as the manager of the water system is well proven there are fluctuations in the water flow of the river is quite large. In addition to the influence of rainfall occurrence of a change in the discharge fluctuating because it is influenced also by soil type, slope and land use.

4.1.2 Calibration of Model

Calibration is performed to obtain a discharge simulation approach measurement value. discharge simulation and measurement results are presented in Figure 4.1. Figure 4.1 Graph of Simulation and observation discharge 30

4.2 Erosion in Ayung Watershed