Simpulan Back Ground Dr. Ir. Bambang Hermiyanto, MP

18 37.500.000,-. Pendapatan petani dari penjualan jeruk dengan rumput gajah dengan rata-rata penghasilan 3 ton per ha per tahun dengan harga jeruk Rp 12.500,- dan hasil penjualan dari rumput gajah rata-rata sebesar Rp. 1.000.000 per tahun maka pendapat petani seluruhnya Rp 38.500.000,-. Pendapatan petani menanam secara tumpangsari maka hasil penjualan jeruk, rumput gajah dan bunga gumitir adalah sebesar Rp. 39.880.000,-, pendapatan meningkat sebesar Rp 2.380.000 dari pendapatan Rp 37.500.000,- menjadi Rp 39.880.000,- 6. Penggunaan lahan tumpangsari secara ekonomi dan secara lingkungan memberikan dampak positif, karena tingkat erosi dapat diminimalisir.

4.5 Temuan Penelitian Novelty

1. Perubahan pengunaan lahan semak menjadi hutan sekunder peningkatan luas tutupan lahan 5 dapat menurunkan koefisien regim sungai 38. 2. Penggunaan lahan tumpangsari tanaman jeruk + bunga gumitir + rumput gajah dapat menurunkan erosi sebesar 96 dan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan petani Rp.2.380.000,00 per ha per tahun dibandingkan dengan penggunaan lahan kebun jeruk


5.1 Simpulan

1. Koefisien regim sungai DAS Ayung adalah 3,2 dengan debit maksimum sebesar 9,37 m 3 det -1 dan debit minimum sebesar 2,92 m 3 det -1 . 2. Erosi di DAS Ayung tergolong sangat ringan terdapat di bagian hilir 0,22-12,74 t ha -1 th -1 , erosi sangat ringan sampai sangat berat di bagian tengah 0,50-221,97 t ha -1 th -1 , erosi sangat ringan sampai sangat berat di bagian hulu 1,04-724,86 t ha -1 th -1 , melebihi erosi yang diperbolehkan Edp 22,60- 57,00 t ha -1 th -1 . 19 3. Pendapatan petani di DAS Ayung bagian hulu adalah Rp 165.987.641,- tertinggi sedangkan di bagian tengah dan bagian hilir adalah Rp 50.184.416,- dan Rp 41.361.561,- 4. Perubahan penggunaan lahan semak menjadi hutan sekunder peningkatan luas tutupan lahan 5 dapat menurunkan koefisien regim sungai 38. 5. Penggunaan lahan tumpangsari jeruk+bunga gumitir+rumput gajah dapat menurunkan erosi sebesar 96 dan meningkatkan pendapatan petani sebesar Rp. 2.380.000 per ha per tahun dibandingkan dengan penggunaan lahan jeruk.

5.2 Saran

1. Hasil simulasi dengan model SWAT dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu pertimbangan dalam pengelolaan DAS kedepan. 2. Perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan dengan menggunakan model SWAT pada DAS-DAS di Bali. 20 LAND USE PLANNING IN THE AYUNG WATERSHED BALI PROVINCE


1.1 Back Ground

Watershed is an expanse of territory or area bounded by limiting topography which receives, collects rain water, sediments and nutrients as well as running it through creeks and rivers out to sea or lake. Asdak, 2004; PP 372012. Damage often occurs in the watershed due to human intervention and the need to increase, and the use of land that is not in accordance with the principles of soil and water conservation Santoso, 2012. According to Paimin et al. 2010 characteristics of the watershed is the basic foundation of the approach in watershed management. Characterization system at the level of the watershed and sub-watershed give information of degradation level to support watershed management planning or Sub-watershed a more operational. The administration of the Ayung watershed in the north tipped in Bangli, Badung, Buleleng and Tabanan, Gianyar and Badung flows through and empties into the South in Denpasar City. Ayung watershed has an important role that is the source of irrigation water in agriculture, raw water by Denpasar and Badung water company PDAM to be processed into drinking water. Other activities that were found in the flow of Ayung river is rafting are much in demand by domestic and foreign tourists. Ayung river also used by the people closest to domestic needs such as bathing, washing and toilet facilities, for the benefit of social-religious 21 activities, melasti ceremonies, nganyut resulting in a conflict of interest in the utilization of water Ayung river Bappeda Bali, 2002. Land use in the upstream of Ayung watersheds dominated mixed farms, fields, shrubs untreated soil and water conservation as well. Such conditions can lead to erosion and land degradation, which in turn lowers the productivity of the land. Ayung river watersehd, especially in the central part of the district of Gianyar, along the banks of the river overlooking the gorge built tourism support facilities such as hotels and restaurants should have conservation areas, while in the lower part of the Ayung watersehed occurred dominant land conversion to settlements and tourism services. The rate of land conversion occurs rapidly from farm to non farm, so that land cover reduced. The downstream area of green open space for city area of green open RTHK is reduced, because it was built for residential areas, especially the opening of Land Consolidation LC, and even in 2013 is estimated at about 100 ha of paddy fields in Denpasar turned into LC Dinas Tata Ruang dan Perumahan, 2013. Overcome issue mentioned, the necessary improvement of the condition of watersheds with soil and water conservation, so that controlled reciprocal relationship the natural resources wand watershed environment with human activities, so preservation of to the environment and human welfare.

1.2 Problem Formulation