Significance of the Study Research Methodology

the source language message, first in term of meaning and secondly in term of style.” 3 Larson explain, “translating means the study of lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation and culture from source language to find the equivalent expressed in the target language’s lexicon, structure, and culture” Menerjemahkan berarti mempelajari lexicon, struktur gramatikal, situasi komunikasi, dan konteks budaya dari bahasa sumber, kemudian menganalisis teks tersebut Bsu untuk menemukan maknanya dan mengungkapkan kembali makna yang sama itu dengan menggunakan lexicon dan struktur grammatical yang sesuai dalam bahasa sasaran dan konteks budayanya. 4 The conclusion of the definition above according Frans Sayogie is 1 the translation relate to two languages, there are source language and target language or receptor language. 2 Translation is the effort of reproducing, rendering, a process of finding a massage, the meaning, utterance, style the source language into the equivalent target language. 3 The text is the meaning that translator has translated. 5 Translation involve the rendering of Source language SL text into the Target language TL so as to ensure, that 1 the surface meaning of the two 3 Zuhridin suryawinata dan Sugeng Hariyanto, Translation. : Bahasan Teori dan Penuntun Penerjemahan. Yogyakarta: Kanisius. 2003.P.12 4 Mildred, L, Larson, Penerjemahan Berdasar Makna : Pedoman Untuk Pemadanan Antar Bahasa, Jakarta :Arcan, 1991, p.3 5 Sayogie, Frans,Penerjemahan bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, Jakarta: Lembaga penelitian UIN Syarief Hidayatullah, 2008, p.9 will approximately and 2 the structure of the SL will be preserve as closely as possible, but not so closely that the TL will be seriously distorted. 6 Many kinds of translation definitions above have different methods, different results, and they are used in appropriate field. However, the actual truth of translation is the process of translating meaning from source language into target language which gives expression in the target language with the form of target language that consist the same meaning with the source language.

B. The Translation Procedure

A knowledge of translation procedure become very important for the translator. The translation procedure is useful for the translation process, in order that the translator always be able reconciled a grammatical structure change that the equivalent meaning in target language. Because of this knowledge, the translator did not trap to straightaway translating based on grammatical source language, so they did not find a difficult meaning in the target language. Rochayah Machali explains that there are five most important procedures in translation. The procedures are:

1. Transposition

Transposition is the one translation procedure that changes grammatical structure of SL with different form in the TL. There are four kind of transposition: 6 Susan Bassnet, translation studies, London: Routledge,1980, P.2 a. The automatic transposition. In this case, the translator has no any option beside do it, because of the language system and grammatical rule. 7 Example : SL: A pair of trousers. TL : sebuah celana a plural in English language become a singular in Bahasa Indonesia. SL : The houses in Jakarta are built beautifully. TL: Rumah di Jakarta bagus-bagus. The different meaning in the phrase built beautifully is special verb than the target language is “bagus-bagus” b. Transposition that conducted when the grammatical structure in SL text is not equivalent in TL text. 8 Example : SL: Buku ini harus kita bawa. TL : We must bring this book. The object is in front of the sentences in Bahasa Indonesia but it is not in English grammatical structure. Except in passive voice or special grammatical structure. SL: Berbeda penjelasannya. TL: the explanation differs. In Bahasa Indonesia, verb is in front of the noun. In English language, it is not concord in English grammatical structure. c. Transposition conducted to the reason of natural utterance. 9 7 Rochayah Machali, Pedoman Bagi Penerjemah, Jakarta, PT.Grasindo, 2000, p.63. 8 Ibid. p.64 9 Ibid.