Focus of Study Research Question


A. The Definition of Translation

Many ways to make a good translation, but for the beginning, the writer must find out and understand the definition of translation. Many various ways that translation can be defined by different approaches and theoretical backgrounds. So, the writers will define translation in different ways by taken from many source, such as: Rochayah Machali explains the definition of translation given by Newmark, that “translation is a rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that author intended the text.” 1 In other side, J.C. Cartford said that “translation is the replacement of textual material in one language SL by equivalent textual material in another language”. 2 In addition the theory of translation is concerned with a certain type of relation between languages and consequently a branch of comparative linguistics. Quoted by Zuhridin Suryawinata, from Nida and Tiber, “translation is consist of reproducing the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of 1 Peter Newmark, “A Text Book of Translation”, on Rochayah Machali , Pedoman Bagi Penerjemah. Jakarta: PT. Grasindo, 2000, P.5. 2 J.C. Cartford, A linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press, 1965. P. 20. the source language message, first in term of meaning and secondly in term of style.” 3 Larson explain, “translating means the study of lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation and culture from source language to find the equivalent expressed in the target language’s lexicon, structure, and culture” Menerjemahkan berarti mempelajari lexicon, struktur gramatikal, situasi komunikasi, dan konteks budaya dari bahasa sumber, kemudian menganalisis teks tersebut Bsu untuk menemukan maknanya dan mengungkapkan kembali makna yang sama itu dengan menggunakan lexicon dan struktur grammatical yang sesuai dalam bahasa sasaran dan konteks budayanya. 4 The conclusion of the definition above according Frans Sayogie is 1 the translation relate to two languages, there are source language and target language or receptor language. 2 Translation is the effort of reproducing, rendering, a process of finding a massage, the meaning, utterance, style the source language into the equivalent target language. 3 The text is the meaning that translator has translated. 5 Translation involve the rendering of Source language SL text into the Target language TL so as to ensure, that 1 the surface meaning of the two 3 Zuhridin suryawinata dan Sugeng Hariyanto, Translation. : Bahasan Teori dan Penuntun Penerjemahan. Yogyakarta: Kanisius. 2003.P.12 4 Mildred, L, Larson, Penerjemahan Berdasar Makna : Pedoman Untuk Pemadanan Antar Bahasa, Jakarta :Arcan, 1991, p.3 5 Sayogie, Frans,Penerjemahan bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, Jakarta: Lembaga penelitian UIN Syarief Hidayatullah, 2008, p.9