31 In formulating goals or objectives, according to Graves 2000, the teachers should pay attention to some aspects in teaching. The first, when the teachers want to write the goals or objectives, the teachers should keep in mind about the audience of the goals. Knowing the audience will help teachers consider whether the language they use is accessible to the audiences. The next aspect to be considered is that the goals or objectives formulated should be transparent enough for others to understand. It can be done by unpacking the language to simplify and clarify the goals or objectives Graves, 2000. Objectives should be S.M.A.R.T. It means that the learning or classroom objectives should fulfill the principles of simple, measurable, action-oriented, reasonable, and time-specific.

B. Theoretical Framework

In this part, the writer would like to synthesize the relevant theories which become the grounds to analyze the data. Assessment which is defined as some processes, activities, or systematic methods which are done to obtain information about the students’ progress or performance, is the first key word in this study. The writer will analyze the assessment made by Practice Teaching students during their practice teaching period. The analysis will focus on the principle of content validity of assessment which is done by comparing the content of teaching which is specified in the instructional goals or classroom objectives with the appropriateness of the assessment result from its specifications, items, or procedures. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 32 The assessments chosen will be in criterion-referenced test CRT type which is created to measure well-defined and fairly specific instructional objectives. This type of assessment should be able to clearly present the objectives the students should achieve. The formal assessment is chosen because the assessment requires Practice Teaching students to plan and prepare their assessment. The planned and prepared assessment can show how well the students establish content validity in their assessment. Nevertheless, the assessment can be formative or summative. The study places its attention on the content validity of an assessment. Content validity is one of the principles of a test or assessment. Content validity means that the test or assessment samples the subject matter about which conclusions are to be drawn and it requires the test-taker to perform the behavior being measured. If the assessment can clearly define and sample the intended achievements or results, the assessment is considered fulfilling the content validity. The validity of this study concerns with the validity of the intended outcome or result from the assessment and not from the assessment specifications or procedures. Validity is also stated in the matter of degree, namely high validity, moderate validity, and low validity. The process to analyze the content validity of an assessment is called content validation. The way which is commonly done by the “expert” in content validation is to analyze the content of a test and to compare it with a statement of what the content ought to be. The process is divided into two main steps based on the process of content validation proposed by Brown 2004 with two main PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 33 questions, namely 1 Are classroom objectives identified and appropriately framed? 2 Are lesson objectives represented in the form of test specifications? The first step deals with the formulation of classroom or learning objectives. The writer analyzes the Practice Teaching students’ classroom or learning objectives formulation based on the S.M.A.R.T principle of objective formulation. The analysis is used to determine what content the Practice Teaching students want their students to learn. Although the process requires the writer to analyze the Practice Teaching students’ ability in making good learning or classroom objectives, the process focuses more in determining the intended result or content. Since the content statement involved the four basic skills in language learning, the writer also involved the microskills and macroskills analysis of each skill in the assessment tasks. The second step deals with the comparison or the appropriateness of the teaching and learning content which is specified in the classroom or learning objectives with the intended result of the assessment specifications or procedures. The content of the course which specified in classroom or learning goals and objectives are then compared with the intended result from the assessment planned and prepared by Practice Teaching students. Therefore, if the intended result of the assessment can clearly and appropriately define and sample the intended achievements or results which are stated in the goals or classroom objectives, the assessment has high content validity. In contrast, if the assessment cannot define and sample the intended achievements or results, the assessment has a low content validity. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 34


In this part, the writer explains about the how the study was conducted. The chapter contains the research method, research participants, research instrument, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

The writer applied qualitative research which means that “the writer did not deal with numerical data” Brown and Rodgers, 2002, p. 12. Ary, Jacob, and Razavieh 2002 defined that qualitative research is aimed at “obtaining a holistic depiction and in-depth understanding, rather than to obtain numerical analysis of data” p. 25. Specifically, the writer applied document analysis method. Further, Ary et al. 2002 stated that document analysis places its attention at the analysis and interpretation of recorded materials. The documents which were analyzed in this study were the assessments produced by Practice Teaching students of ELESP Sanata Dharma University. The focus would be placed into the validity of the assessment, particularly in its content validity. As it was a qualitative study, the analysis focused on how the content validity was established in Practice Teaching student assessment and figured out the problems which influence the degree of content validity of the respondents’ assessments, rather than showing the numbers of mistakes they made during the production of assessment. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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