Text-based Content Determining the Instructional Content

47 two of them were tense-based content, and one of them was expression-based and tense-based content.

a. Text-based Content

Text-based content was understood that the respondents’ content formulation was based on the kinds of English text. The respondents wanted to teach English through understanding and production of some kinds of English texts. In this study, the writer found that the respondents dealt with three texts, namely recount, narrative, and report texts. The respondents intended that the students would learn English through the understanding and production of the specific text. Reading and writing were the content skills involved. The students were required to read the text when they wanted to understand or find the specific meaning and information from the text. The students had to write also when they were asked to produce specific text with specific or various themes. One example of content statement of text-based content was “recount text production.” The content statement specified that the students would learn English through the understanding and producing of recount text. The content, as it should be, was general and it had to be specified in the form of objective. The objective formulation of the text-based content stated above was that “at the end of the instruction, the students are able to produce recount text in the form of biography using past tense correctly and well.” The common assessment procedures when assessing the students’ understanding of the text found in the analysis were giving the comprehensive PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 48 questions related to the text, deciding whether the statements given were true or false based on the text given, arranging jumbled-paragraph to create an ordered text, and identifying the generic structure of the text. While assessing students’ ability in producing the text, the respondents directly asked their students to write the specific text with or without specific topic or information.

b. Expression-based Content

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