Research Method Research Participants



In this part, the writer explains about the how the study was conducted. The chapter contains the research method, research participants, research instrument, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

The writer applied qualitative research which means that “the writer did not deal with numerical data” Brown and Rodgers, 2002, p. 12. Ary, Jacob, and Razavieh 2002 defined that qualitative research is aimed at “obtaining a holistic depiction and in-depth understanding, rather than to obtain numerical analysis of data” p. 25. Specifically, the writer applied document analysis method. Further, Ary et al. 2002 stated that document analysis places its attention at the analysis and interpretation of recorded materials. The documents which were analyzed in this study were the assessments produced by Practice Teaching students of ELESP Sanata Dharma University. The focus would be placed into the validity of the assessment, particularly in its content validity. As it was a qualitative study, the analysis focused on how the content validity was established in Practice Teaching student assessment and figured out the problems which influence the degree of content validity of the respondents’ assessments, rather than showing the numbers of mistakes they made during the production of assessment. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 35

B. Research Participants

The research participants were the students of ELESP Sanata Dharma University who conducted their Practice Teaching during July to December 2010. The participants will be called as respondents in this study. All of them were in the seventh semester in 20102011 academic year. Assumedly, they had taken the Language Learning Assessment class, in which they had learnt about the basic concept and principles to produce good assessment. The data of the study were their assessments produced during the Practice Teaching period. The writer chose the students as the participants because throughout the Practice Teaching program, they were given the opportunity to practice teaching in the real school with real students in which they would apply all teacher competences they have obtained. They applied their knowledge and skill in teaching, namely how to handle the class, how to create good teaching materials, how to prepare the appropriate lesson plan, how to assess their students, and many more. Therefore, they also made real assessments for real students which must be good, reliable, and valid. From those participants, the writer chose five random students who had finished Practice Teaching and asked for the documents which are the lesson plans along with some assessments they prepared during Practice Teaching period. From every student, the writer asked two lesson plans along with the assessments prepared for the lesson plan. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 36

C. Research Instruments

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