The Second Document of the Third Respondent

121 represented what it should be measured, which was the recount text in the form of biography production using past tense correctly and well. The best way to assess writing skill was by giving the chance to write and learn from the mistakes of the writing. The assessment task clearly involved the micro- and macroskills of writing, too. The microskill was that the students use acceptable grammatical system of past tense. The macroskills were first, the students appropriately accomplished the communicative functions of recount text according to form and purpose, second, the students conveyed links and connections between events, and communicated such relations as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given information, generalization, and exemplification, and third, the students developed and used battery of writing strategies. The writer could conclude that the third respondent had prepared high content validity assessment for her instruction.

F. The Second Document of the Third Respondent

a. The Content

The third respondent stated in her second lesson plan that the material was about the expression of introduction. There were two learning objectives stated, namely 1 at the end of the instruction the students are able to identify the expression of introduction from the text heard, and 2 at the end of the instruction the students are able to give response to the expression of introduction. Again, the third respondent did not state about the skill focused in her instruction but the assessments were in the form of listening. The objective formulations were S.M.A.R.T and clear that after the instructional process the students required to perform their ability in identifying and responding the expression of introduction. The instructional process intended that the students were able to listen well the dialogues or articles where the expression of introduction was involved. Afterwards, the students were expected to be able to give appropriate responses for the expression of introduction. The writer concluded that the third respondent instructional content was the expression of introduction. Seen from the form PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 122 of the assessments prepared for this instruction, the skill involved was listening skill. The assessment’ result should represent that the students were able to identify and respond the expression of introduction if it would be considered having high content validity.

b. Content Validations

The third respondent prepared two listening passage with different procedure for each passage. The students were given a worksheet which consisted of an incomplete dialogue for the first listening passage and some questions for the second listening passage. All the listening passages were about the dialogue between some people in which the expression of introduction was used. For the first listening passage, the students should complete the dialogue since some words were blanked. The listening cloze task required the students to listen to dialogue and simultaneously read the written text in which selected words or phrases have been deleted. The task also involved the macroskill in which the students develop and use a battery of listening strategy, such as detecting and guessing the meaning of words from context. The assessment task required the students to listen carefully to the listening passage and wrote down the words they heard from the listening. The blank parts were random and not specified whether they were noun, verb, or adverb of the sentences. While the students were listening to the dialogue, they had to answer five comprehensive questions related to the dialogue heard. The students were also intended to be able to understand the dialogue to answer the questions. The first dialogue gave an example for the students about how to introduce someone to others. By the listening practice using this assessment, the students learnt about the expression used in how to introduce someone to others. The task, which called cloze-answer comprehension question task, provided the students to answer some questions which answers were in the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 123 dialogue. The macroskill involved was recognizing the communicative function of utterances according to situations, participants, and goals. The second listening passage was about a dialogue also. It was between Cora and Antonio. While listening to the dialogue, the students were also asked to answer five questions which were in the form of multiple choices. The student should choose a correct answer based on the dialogue heard. This dialogue gave an example of how to conduct self introduction. The students learnt to identify the expressions which were used to conduct self introduction and the responses of the introduction. It was a multiple-choice comprehension items which involved the same macroskill of recognizing the communicative functions of utterances, according to situations, participants, and goals. The assessment prepared had high content validity since its intended results were match with the formulation of the objectives and the content skill which was the listening skill. The assessment procedures made the students learnt about the expressions which were used to conduct self introduction and introduce someone to others and also the responses of the expression of introduction. The listening passage also gave good example of how the expression of introduction was used in daily life context.

G. The First Document of the Fourth Respondent

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