Problem Formulation Problem Limitation

5 material through the interpretation of the assessment result. Therefore, the assessment tools and procedures have to be valid. The validation aimed at obtaining valid information about the students’ performance in particular topic, skill, or material. In other words, if teachers want to achieve valid information of the students’ performance or progress, the assessment they made should be valid, too.

B. Problem Formulation

Through this study, the writer formulates the problems which are presented into two questions. 1. How is the content validity established by the Practice Teaching students in their assessment? 2. What are the problems which influence the degree of content validity of the Practice Teaching students’ assessment?

C. Problem Limitation

The writer limits the problems by focusing on the content validity of the assessment produced by Practice Teaching students of the English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University during their Practice Teaching period. The reason why the writer chose the Practice Teaching students as the respondents of this research is because those students have passed Language Learning Assessment subject in which they have learnt about the concept of assessment and the production of assessment. It is expected that they PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 6 are able to produce good and valid assessment. Another reason is that the students have to make assessment for the real students during their Practice Teaching period. The LLA students are not chosen because the assessment they make is not purposed for the real students and they are still practicing. Although in Practice Teaching period the students are also still practicing, they practice for the real students. Therefore, the assessment they produce has to be valid. The writer limits the validity by focusing on the content validity of assessment. Although there are more than three evidences in validating an assessment, the writer focuses only on content-related evidence or content validity because this evidence is considered the most important evidence in validating an assessment. It is important for an assessment to be valid in its content because the content is the aspect which becomes the main base for teaching in particular topic. Teachers teach materials and behaviors or skills, called as content or the intended skills or performances that the students should know or master. Therefore, the assessment should also assess the content by applying appropriate test specifications or items to be considered valid based on the principles of content validity of an assessment. An example will be good to give more understanding why the writer chooses content validity as the subject of the research. Imagine that there is a teacher who states in his lesson plan that the objectives of the lesson is that at the end of the course, the students are able to produce good and correct recount text using appropriate verb in past form. Nevertheless, in his assessment, he gives the students a recount text completed with ten comprehensive questions based on the text. The assessment has low content validity based on the objectives PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 7 stated before because it does not measure what it intends to measure, which is good recount text production. Therefore, content validity in an assessment is very important and needs more attention from those who produce the assessment. The assessment of this study is the assessment made by the Practice Teaching students during their practice teaching period. The assessment chosen is the assessment which has been prepared before they conduct their teaching and learning activity in class. The spontaneous assessment is not included. It means that the assessment chosen is planned and prepared in written form so the students can read the instructions and do what they are supposed to do in that assessment.

D. Research Objectives

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